Powerhouse Science Center to Transform Sacramento Waterfront

Principal architect Jason Silva, of Dreyfuss + Blackford Architecture, conceptualized the facade of the new Powerhouse Science Center in Sacramento to represent humanity’s place in the universe. The facade will be sectioned by multiple planes, creating continuous vector lines that extend across the building and site.

Jul 31, 2018 Debra Belt

The Big Ideas

Niki Peterson of the UC Davis Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship on preparing future entrepreneurs

For the last dozen years, the UC Davis Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship has fostered hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs out of the classroom setting and into the real world. Comstock’s sat down with Senior Program Manager Niki Peterson to learn how her institute is helping turn the Capital Region into a world-class incubator for innovation.

Jul 23, 2018 Rich Ehisen

Entrepreneur Showcase

16 founders with the skills to make it work

We asked readers to submit their picks for the Capital Region’s top entrepreneurs —and you answered. Our editorial team vetted almost 100 nominations, looking for innovative business ideas, interesting backstories, unique products and services and that ineffable “it” factor. And here they are…

Jul 10, 2018 Sena Christian

DNA Detectives are Searching for Killers in Your Family Tree

In April, investigators arrested a suspect in the decades-old case of the Golden State Killer after sifting through online genetic data. The arrest has set off one of the most vigorous recent debates about privacy in the digital age. 

Jun 21, 2018 Kristen V Brown

Plastic of the Future

Bioplastics may offer one solution to the plastic predicament — and a West Sacramento company is leading the way.

Origin Materials is part of a small but growing bioplastics market. Regulation, recycling and changing consumer behavior have proven ineffective in curbing the environment impacts of plastic. With plastic production projected to double over the next 20 years, Origins founders think the key solution lies in the bottles themselves. 

Jun 19, 2018 Sena Christian