Startup of the Month: NuCicer
Davis startup seeks to raise chickpea from fringe ingredient to mainstream hero
By applying machine learning and data analytics to plant breeding, this Davis-based company aims to elevate the chickpea as a key crop to address growing food demands while also improving crop resilience, yield and nutritional value.
Startup of the Month: EpiSense
Device to alert patients, contacts of imminent epileptic seizures
Getting diagnosed with epilepsy changed not only Jaya Athuluru’s life but her career path. With co-founder Simran Lallian, Athuluru developed EpiSense, a wearable device that detects irregular spikes in electrical brain activity and alerts patients and emergency contacts five minutes prior to an episode if a seizure seems imminent.
Startup of the Month:
Education platform integrates academic and behavioral insights with AI
When a student is struggling with a concept, the reasons may go beyond the teaching. Other factors, such as social needs and learning styles, could play a role. But educators need science to identify and diagnose these issues, which may be happening anecdotally, according to Shweta Gandhi.
Startup of the Month: Unstructured
Company helps businesses turn raw data into AI-friendly formats
Think about a global company where each department has its own unique jargon, and employees speak different languages. To thrive, this company would need a way to keep valuable information from getting lost in translation.
Startup of the Month: 811spotter
Ticket management software for contractors’ efficiency, safety
811 is the national toll-free, call-before-you-dig number. Homeowners, excavators and contractors must call 811 before excavating to have underground utility lines marked to prevent accidental damage. But the system is flawed and inefficient, according to 811spotter co-founder and CEO Marc Krichman.
Startup of the Month: Soar Optics
Company targets microplastics in water with high-tech microscopes
Microplastics can be found everywhere, from Antarctica to Mt. Everest to breast milk. A Western Regional Winner in 2022, Soar Optics develops technology to identify these microscopic particles in water.
Startup of the Month: Inspirame
College and career navigation platform aims to repair education pipeline
In 2019, CEO Maria Medrano co-founded the equity-driven startup Inspirame to repair these critical gaps in college enrollment and workforce development.
Startup of the Month: AgriNerds
Mapping tool helps farmers track carriers of bird flu
In recent years, avian influenza (or “bird flu”) has been on a rampage, wiping out wild and domestic birds, disrupting the environment, and causing a shortage of eggs and poultry meat. The Davis-based startup AgriNerds aims to help farmers to identify potential risks and protect poultry against the threat of diseased ducks.
Startup of the Month: 3D Organic Polymer Silk
Trio of researchers aim to revolutionize orthopedic medicine with spider silk
With over 3 billion years of evolution under its belt, the natural world has a pretty long track record of creativity. Knowing this, three interdisciplinary researchers at UC Davis looked to the golden silk orb-weaver spider to develop an innovative biomaterial.
Startup of the Month: OnSight Technology
Company deploys robots to detect issues on solar farms
After years in the solar farm industry, Derek Chase was looking into different drone companies to handle aerial flyovers. But he found these companies couldn’t provide the information he needed, which was found on the ground, under the panels, where the wires are.