Startup of the Month: Foodnome

Home cooking loves company

For Akshay Prabhu, nothing ties a meal together like community. His Davis-based startup, Foodnome, reflects that philosophy, turning regular homes into restaurants the way Uber turned regular cars into taxis.

Jun 3, 2019 Russell Nichols

Startup of the Month: IndiPUB

Self-publishing with a twist

The first book Amy Altstatt wrote was about a little girl in a world in which color represents what one wants to be when grown up. The girl tries different colors to see which one suits her, but none feels  right. Then she cries, and, in her rainbow tears, she realizes all the colors are part of her.

May 2, 2019 Russell Nichols

Startup of the Month: HealthSherpa

Guiding customers to health insurance coverage

When — the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange website — went live in 2013, it was slow, buggy and hard to navigate — a digital mess. Two weeks later, three programmers in the Bay Area launched, an alternative website to help online shoppers understand their options under the ACA and see plans and prices quickly.

Apr 3, 2019 Russell Nichols

Startup of the Month: Pheronym

In the mood for pest control

Nematodes pose a conundrum to farmers. The worm-like microscopic creatures are everywhere. Some are parasitic, infecting plants and destroying crops — but others actually  attack insect pests. The ability to target the “bad” while leaving the “good” unharmed would be a boon for agricultural production.

Mar 13, 2019 Russell Nichols