Startup of the Month: Sparck

If your manager tosses you a $200 gift card for reaching a milestone, it’s nothing personal — and according to Anna Straus, that’s a problem when it comes to employee retention and workplace productivity.

Oct 9, 2019 Russell Nichols

Startup of the Month: The Makers Place

A family home for work-from-home parents

As a leadership educator and coach working from home, Leslie Bosserman had a tough time being fully present with both her first child and her clients. Eight months into her second pregnancy, she came up with the idea for The Makers Place, a Sacramento-based coworking space customized for families.

Jul 2, 2019 Russell Nichols

Startup of the Month: Foodnome

Home cooking loves company

For Akshay Prabhu, nothing ties a meal together like community. His Davis-based startup, Foodnome, reflects that philosophy, turning regular homes into restaurants the way Uber turned regular cars into taxis.

Jun 3, 2019 Russell Nichols