Mysteries of the Gut Instinct

Unraveling the science of the body’s ‘second brain’ offers insight into the role the stomach plays in our mental health

We’ve all been there: You’re waiting to give a big presentation, maybe you dread public speaking, and you feel your stomach twist itself into a pretzel. Or maybe you meet someone new, someone interesting, and when they make eye contact you feel your stomach do a joyful little flip. It happens all of the time. We feel things before we have time to mentally process.

Jul 27, 2017 Jeff Wilser

Back and Forward: Jason Guardino on How Our Gut Matters

Jason Guardino, a gastroenterologist and an assistant physician in chief at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center, gives his perspective on how our guts have become front and center in the understanding of our overall health.

Jul 26, 2017