Intel, Microsoft Deal With Widespread Computer-Chip Weakness

The world’s biggest chipmakers and software companies, including Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp., are coming to grips with a vulnerability that leaves vast numbers of computers and smartphones susceptible to hacking and performance slowdowns.

Jan 5, 2018 Ian King

Upgrade to 5G Costs $200 Billion a Year and May Not Be Worth It

In the wildest dreams of wireless engineers, the mobile network of the future controls our cars, lets our refrigerators talk to the grocery store to order more milk, and provides fast, reliable broadband connections to our homes so we can sever ties with cable companies.

Dec 19, 2017 Olga Kharif and Scott Moritz

The Next Big Idea Could Come From Biohackers

People are genetically engineering their own cells in their kitchens, injecting modified viruses into their bodies and surgically implanting homemade sensors under their skin. The “do-it-yourself” mentality has entered the realm of medicine. And, surprisingly, the FBI supports it.

Dec 18, 2017 Brandon Zipp