Nehemiah Corp. Shuts Down Most Operations

Nehemiah Corp., a social enterprise nonprofit that has spent two decades developing programs that help low-income people afford homes, is winding down most of its operations, the company has announced.

Feb 21, 2017 Allen Young

How to Handle Negative Reviews

Don’t let a criticism bring you down — or kill your business

What is it about New Year’s and resolutions? They go together like peanut butter and jelly, but while it may be easy to make resolutions galore, keeping even one is much harder. Entrepreneurs setting 2017 goals will likely think about better marketing campaigns, adding more loyal customers, providing excellent service to clients and keeping a great reputation in the market.

Jan 6, 2017 Kelly Azevedo

An Enhanced Vision for the New Year

Our whole team at Comstock’s is grateful for the past year of growth in our web users, paid subscribers and retail sales. We want to thank long-time readers for your continued support, and our new ones for helping us grow and evolve. You continue to show us that our message has teeth, and you drive us to always seek to do better

Dec 29, 2016 Allison Joy