Mike Graff
Mike Graff is a Sacramento-based photographer. For more, visit his website, Facebook page or Tumblr.
Ken James
Ken James is a 24-year veteran photojournalist who started his career with the Fairfax Newspaper Group in Sydney Australia. Since relocating to California in 2002, Ken has contributed to many newspapers and wire services such as Bloomberg News, United Press International (UPI), The New York Times and San Francisco Examiner. In 2005, Ken spent six months covering the Iraq war and later documented the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Ken has actively covered state politics and gubernatorial elections, including the 2003 Recall. Besides covering national and local news events, Ken contributes monthly photo essays to Comstock’s and Sacramento Magazine. For more, visit www.kjamesimages.com.
Anita Chabria
Anita Chabria is a Sacramento-based freelance writer.
Rich Ehisen
Rich Ehisen is a freelance writer and the managing editor of the State Net Capitol Journal. His work has appeared in Government Technology, Sunset, San Francisco Magazine, California Journal, Sacramento Magazine and the Lexis Legal Network. On Twitter @WordsmithRich.
Kyle Monk
Kyle Monk has an elegant and unique style blending minimalism with story telling. His work specializes in a range of expertise, covering a broad gamut – from conceptual and fine art to documentary. A perfectionist, he believes his education will never be complete and lives to challenge his talents.
Sharon Frederick
Sharon Frederick is a Sacramento-based freelance writer.
Kristina Shevory
Kristina Shevory is a freelance reporter who writes regularly for The New York Times. Her stories have also appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Businessweek, Pacific Standard and Wired.
Esther Shein
Esther Shein is a freelance writer and editor whose work has appeared in several online and print publications, including InformationWeek, eWeek, Computerworld, BYTE, CIO, CFO and The Boston Globe. Previously she was the editor-in-chief of Datamation.
Stephanie Flores
Stephanie Flores is the former managing editor of Comstock’s. She is now a freelance writer residing in New Zealand.
Kibkabe Araya
Kibkabe Araya is a freelance journalist. Her work has appeared in the Seattle Times, the Sacramento Bee, Sacramento Business Journal and Redding Record Searchlight.