Russell Nichols

Back Writer

Russell Nichols is a freelance writer who focuses on technology, culture and mental health. His work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Governing Magazine and Government Technology. 

By this person

The Power and Potential of Seaweed

From keeping oceans healthy to being used as an alternative to plastics, researchers believe seaweed has a multitude of uses

Nearly 2,000 miles northwest of Sacramento, Matthew Perkins rode a boat out into the Gulf of Alaska and saw nothing but endless potential for growth. “It’s kind of overwhelming how much opportunity there is,” he says. “You’re on the water, snow-capped mountains in the backdrop, you look down and see this incredible biomass growing. It’s literally the bounty of nature.”

Dec 30, 2024 Russell Nichols

Dare to Dream

Entrepreneurship runs on resiliency

For many entrepreneurs, the past few years have served as something of a litmus test. From lockdowns and layoffs to a tumultuous economy, business owners have had to take a hard look at themselves and ask: How badly do I want to do this? 

May 27, 2024 Russell Nichols

Startup of the Month: AgriNerds

Mapping tool helps farmers track carriers of bird flu

In recent years, avian influenza (or “bird flu”) has been on a rampage, wiping out wild and domestic birds, disrupting the environment, and causing a shortage of eggs and poultry meat. The Davis-based startup AgriNerds aims to help farmers to identify potential risks and protect poultry against the threat of diseased ducks.

Feb 2, 2024 Russell Nichols

Beyond the Bottle

UC Davis is a hub for breast milk science and innovation

As a chemist of food science, J. Bruce German was accustomed to observing the tiniest things: protein particles, bacteria, mucin layers and much more invisible to the naked eye. But nothing prepared him for his first experience in the neonatal intensive care unit at UC Davis.

Dec 4, 2023 Russell Nichols

How Investing Works

The road to investing is wide and full of many different kinds of drivers that often overlap. Here is a basic guide to understanding how various investors work and what makes each one unique.

Nov 14, 2023 Russell Nichols

Going Meta

Are Capital Region tech companies buying into the metaverse and Web3?

Will the metaverse be entirely virtual reality, which immerses users in an artificial environment, or utilize augmented reality, which superimposes computer-generated images in the real world? Will it be primarily a gaming and entertainment platform? Or a socioeconomic ecosystem? Or will it be — like many over-hyped ideas — a bust? 

Jun 5, 2023 Russell Nichols