Jeff Wilser is the author of “The Book of Joe: The Life, Wit, and (Sometimes Accidental) Wisdom of Joe Biden” from Three Rivers Press. He has written five previous books, including “Alexander Hamilton’s Guide to Life.” His writing has appeared in print or online in New York magazine, GQ, Condé Nast Traveler, TIME, Glamour, Cosmo, Esquire, mental_floss, Men’s Fitness, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Comstock’s, The Miami Herald, Detroit Free Press and The Huffington Post. For more, visit
By this person

The Way We Work: Kenny Pawlek
A glimpse into the daily life of the administrator at Shriners Children’s Northern California
Pawlek keeps that positive outlook through all aspects of managing the 800-employee operation. One secret to keeping a positive morale: lots of dad jokes.

The Way We Work: Brad Squires
A glimpse into the daily life of the CEO of Sacramento Venture Philanthropy, CEO of the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation and owner of Heirloom Acres farm
He’s sometimes crunching numbers in Excel, sometimes lugging sacks of potatoes and sometimes feeding hay to his cows. These are all wildly different tasks, but they’re all united by the same principle — giving.

The Way We Work: Lance Hastings
A glimpse into the daily life of the president and CEO of the California Manufacturers & Technology Association
His trick for handling this responsibility? It starts with a coop full of chickens.

The Way We Work: Steve Pleau
A glimpse into the daily life of the CEO of Future Automotive Group
Despite turning 78 this year, Pleau still heads to the office every day to rally the troops, monitor customer satisfaction, and follow his North Star: “My real focus is on expansion,” says Pleau. “I’m not done.”

How Did We Get Here?
A politician, a pastor, a PR exec, a psychologist and a professor try to get at the root of the ugly discourse in our country
The drivers of divisiveness were decades in the making. From the 1950s to 1980s, the “Big Three” networks of ABC, NBC and CBS created a sort of monoculture — a shared set of TV shows, water cooler talk and facts that society could agree on. Today, the news media is fractured, and we can’t even agree on the facts.

The Way We Work: Harjinder K. Shergill-Chima
A glimpse into the daily life of the director of the California State Lottery
Under Director Harjinder K. Shergill-Chima’s watch, the lottery (which is self-funded) has an “unheard of” administrative budget that’s just 4 percent of revenue.

The Way We Work: Michael J. Facenda
A glimpse into the daily life of the president of Sky River Casino
Michael J. Facenda oversees 1,600 employees, 14 food outlets, 82 table games and 2,100 slot machines — and don’t forget the pastry shop.

The Way We Work: Caroline Beteta
A glimpse into the daily life of the CEO of Visit California
On paper it’s a dream job of nonstop travel, but the reality is that most days she’s stuck in her office until 7 p.m. Thankfully she has a secret weapon: white space.

The Way We Work: Thien Ho
A glimpse into the daily life of Sacramento County’s district attorney
Thien Ho oversees 180 attorneys and a budget of $129 million with a purview of prosecuting all misdemeanors and felonies in the county. He starts his day with lots of water.

The Way We Work: Joe Davidson
A glimpse into the daily life of the busy Sacramento Bee sportswriter
His days are wildly different, depending on the sport and the season. So we’ll unpack his favorite and his busiest: Fridays covering high school football.

The Way We Work: Tony Tavares
A glimpse into the daily life of the director of Caltrans
His trick for listening to all those voices? He starts every day in the middle of the night.

The Way We Work: Kim Pacini-Hauch
A glimpse into the daily life of Sacramento’s top Realtor
Pacini-Hauch’s secret? “I answer the phone,” she says, adding that clients are routinely surprised that she always picks up or calls them back immediately, no matter when.

The Way We Work: Mercy Hospital President and CEO Lisa Hausmann
A glimpse into the daily life of a Dignity Health hospital executive
The roughly 900-employee, 106-bed hospital has gotten really good thanks in large part to Hausmann’s tireless work ethic, something she calls the “protected hour,” and a box of cookies.

The Way We Work: Dr. David Lubarsky
A glimpse into the daily life of the CEO of UC Davis Health and UC Davis Vice Chancellor of Human Health Services
Being the CEO of UC Davis Health isn’t easy. But that’s only half of Dr. David Lubarsky’s job as he is also the school’s vice chancellor of human health sciences. Here’s how he makes it all work.

The Way We Work: KCRA Chief Meteorologist Mark Finan
A glimpse into his daily life of monitoring the weather for the Capital Region
Will it rain this weekend? For over 30 years, the man Sacramento trusts for that answer is Mark Finan, chief meteorologist at KCRA.

The Way We Work: Jessup University President Dr. John Jackson
A glimpse into the daily life of the pastor and Christian university leader
Dr. John Jackson grew up as a pastor’s kid, but he didn’t see that as his calling. “I told God in my own way, ‘I’ll do anything you want, except I’ll never be a missionary, and I’ll never be a pastor,’” says Jackson. So of course he became a pastor.

The Way We Work: Sacramento Police Chief Kathy Lester
A glimpse into the daily life of Sacramento’s first female police chief
It’s a job just like any other job, except with responsibility for the safety of an entire city. No pressure. When Kathy Lester was sworn in as chief of the Sacramento Police Department in December 2021, she joined a new executive team with fresh eyes, and they surveyed the many challenges.

The Evolution of Leadership Styles
Several factors, including lockdown and generational differences, influence managers
The pandemic, the rise of Gen Z and new cultural norms have all contributed to a shift in the values we expect from modern leaders. Understanding these trends — and the strategies required to keep up — is crucial for any leader who wants to retain employees, inspire their best work and even continue their own career.

The Way We Work: Stoel Rives Managing Partner Melissa Jones
A glimpse into the daily life of the law firm managing partner
When you’re the managing partner of a blue chip law firm it’s kind of like being a CEO, but in some ways it’s far more complex. Just ask Melissa Jones, managing partner at Stoel Rives, a firm known for its expertise in renewable energy and natural resources.

The Way We Work: Michael Hargis
A glimpse into the daily life of restaurateur and entrepreneur Michael Hargis
Michael Hargis has always been entrepreneurial; as a fifth-grader he sold condoms to the upperclassmen. He would later produce parties, raves and music events like Sacramento’s 2012 Electronic Dance Festival. Then came food.

The Way We Work: Congresswoman Doris Matsui
A glimpse into the daily life of Congresswoman Doris Matsui
Think CEOs have crazy schedules? Try being a member of Congress. The most carefully planned itinerary can be scrambled — or even scuttled — thanks to a call from the White House, an emergency vote, or urgent negotiations across the aisle. “We have to be flexible, and everyone else has to be flexible. That’s what’s different from being a CEO and running a company,” says Congresswoman Doris Matsui.

Gen Z to the Moon
The youngest investors take a novel approach
Eric Lam didn’t care for college. In 2018, as a freshman at UC Davis studying managerial economics, he decided to drop out. “I knew I wanted to do something in business, and I knew that I could probably learn that off YouTube,” says Lam. A friend suggested real estate.

The Way We Work: Kelly Brothers
A glimpse into the daily life of financial advisor and TV and radio business reporter Kelly Brothers
For over 15 years, Sacramento has turned to Kelly Brothers for making sense of Wall Street and the economy, where he serves as a frequent contributor to KCRA-TV and News Radio KFBK. But that’s only part of his story.

The Way We Work: Robert S. Nelsen
A glimpse into the daily life of Sacramento State President Robert S. Nelsen
Fire engines, medical calls, protests, academic policy, a $400 million budget, COVID-19 challenges, donor relations — this is all in a day’s work for the president of a 33,000-student and 2,000-faculty university.

The Way We Work: Jeanne Reaves
A glimpse into the daily life of Jeanne Reaves, president and CEO of Jeanne Reaves Consulting
Jeanne Reaves works with CEOs on both personal growth and operational improvements. Her secret for pulling it off? She’s been in their shoes.

The Way We Work: Stan Van Vleck
A glimpse into the daily life of Stan Van Vleck, attorney and owner of Van Vleck Ranch
Stan Van Vleck is head of the 12,000 acre Van Vleck ranch, a family business that dates back to 1856.

The Way We Work: Ken Endelman
A glimpse into the daily life of Ken Endelman, founder and CEO of Balanced Body
Ken Endelman, who began his career as a furniture designer, never expected to become the CEO of the largest Pilates manufacturer in the world. Here’s how he tackles his day.

New Year, New You
From wearables to short HIIT workouts, these trends are expected to grow in 2023
Just in time for New Year’s resolutions, local nutritionists
and fitness experts share what they’re seeing as the most
popular health trends. Some are legitimate and backed by
science, some are silly, some are useful, and all of them are
very much in vogue.

The Way We Work: Cindy Nichol
A glimpse into the daily life of Cindy Nichol, director of airports for Sacramento County
Many business leaders say they’re busy “putting out fires.” For Cindy Nichol this is not a metaphor.

The Way We Work: Jeff Richardson
A glimpse into the daily life of Jeff Richardson, senior general manager of the Westfield Galleria at Roseville
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

The Way We Work: Mark Jansen
A glimpse into the daily life of Blue Diamond CEO Mark Jansen
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

Where Have All Our Leaders Gone?
In a divided country, some local leaders are serving with integrity
Across the political spectrum, this is perhaps the only thing
that everyone can agree on: The nation lacks inspiring leaders.
While leadership appears to be lacking on the national stage,
quietly — away from the spotlight — local leaders can

The Way We Work: Cassandra Pye
A glimpse into the daily life of Lucas Public Affairs President Cassandra Pye
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

The Way We Work: Mark Haney
A glimpse into the daily life of HaneyBiz CEO and podcast host Mark Haney
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

The Way We Work: Jeff Randle
A glimpse into the daily life of Randle Communications President and CEO Jeff Randle
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

The Merits of Mentorship
Workers and managers both benefit from helping guide careers
Mentors can help mentees look for a job, strengthen their
portfolios, navigate the rocky waters of freelancing and

The Way We Work: Doug Bergman
A glimpse into the daily life of UCP of Sacramento and Northern California CEO Doug Bergman
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

The Way We Work: Lial Jones
A glimpse into the daily life of Crocker Art Museum CEO Lial Jones
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

Work It: Evan Schmidt
A glimpse into the daily life of Valley Vision CEO Evan Schmidt
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

The Psychological Toll of Remote Work
Capital Region therapists see a sharp increase in patients during the pandemic
Over two years into the pandemic and many are beyond burnt
out and in need of support. We examine the ways we’ve
suffered and how to mediate the psychological effects of pandemic

Work It: Dr. Janine Bera
A glimpse into the daily life of the WellSpace Health chief medical officer
As an extrovert, Dr. Janine Bera thrives on connection to her team and caring for her patients. Here’s how the chief medical officer of WellSpace Health structures her days.

Work It: Cassandra Lichnock
A glimpse into the daily life of the California State Teachers’ Retirement System’s CEO
From deep analysis in the morning to the occasional hike in the evening, here’s how Cassandra Lichnock structures her days as CEO of CalSTRS.

Comstock’s Talks: It’s Complicated
PODCAST: After a once-in-a-century pandemic, what happens next? The Capital Region’s economic experts weigh in.

It’s Complicated
Business experts express optimism and concern over the Capital Region’s 2022 economic outlook
After a once-in-a-century pandemic, what happens next? The
Capital Region’s economic experts weigh in.

The Way We Work: Barry Broome
A glimpse into the daily life of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council’s president and CEO
From posing in hot yoga class to pitching new business, here’s how Barry Broome structures his days as CEO of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council.

The Way We Work: Kelley Cowan
A glimpse into the daily life of Kelley Cowan, director of the Sacramento Region for XL Construction
In The Way We Work, we track the routines of local executives. Here’s how Kelley Cowan oversees multiple construction projects.

The Way We Work: Gary S. May
A glimpse into the daily life of the UC Davis chancellor
In The Way We Work, we track the routines of local executives. Here’s how UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. May runs a campus of 39,000 students.

Ties That Bind
Here are 10 strategies for protecting the mental health of members of your family business.

Comstock’s Talks: Are You Ready for the TikTok Challenge?
PODCAST: Social media can grow a business’s audience — but only if it’s done right.

Are You Ready for the TikTok Challenge?
Social media can grow a business’s audience — but only if it’s done right.