An Enhanced Vision for the New Year

Our whole team at Comstock’s is grateful for the past year of growth in our web users, paid subscribers and retail sales. We want to thank long-time readers for your continued support, and our new ones for helping us grow and evolve. You continue to show us that our message has teeth, and you drive us to always seek to do better

Dec 29, 2016 Allison Joy

Economics to Keep Wind and Solar Energy Thriving With Trump

On the plains of West Texas, new wind farms can be built for just $22 per megawatt-hour. In the Arizona and Nevada deserts, solar projects are less than $40 per megawatt-hour. Compare those figures with the U.S. average lifetime cost of $52 for natural gas plants and about $65 for coal.

Nov 29, 2016 Joe Ryan, Christopher Martin and Jim Polson

California Keeps On Farming, With or Without Water

California agriculture, which had been plowing ahead in the face of a major drought, finally had an off year in 2015, according to data released recently by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The state’s farms brought in cash receipts of an estimated $47.1 billion (this will be revised in the months and years to come), down from a record $56.6 billion in 2014.

Nov 1, 2016 Justin Fox

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Sacramento water agencies work together, adapting to drought and planning for a future of growth

While California is all-consumed with water wars, the Sacramento region’s efforts toward collaboration are easy to overlook. The best example is the landmark Water Forum Agreement, which 22 water agencies from Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer counties signed in 2000 to balance the environmental and human needs of the lower American River. Now, water agencies have joined together to launch the River Arc Project. 

Nov 1, 2016 Sena Christian