Family Policy

The Family Business Association of California is a lobbying firm founded to protect the interests of California family businesses in the state legislature, and to “fight against proposals which will add new regulations and costs to family businesses.”

Oct 14, 2016 Robin Epley

The Future Success of Sacramento Business isn’t in Sacramento — Or is it?

Businesses in Northern California are especially well-positioned to expand globally. The region has a culturally diverse population and an enviable proximity to ports, airports, rail systems and foreign trade zones. Even as exporting makes sense for individual businesses, encouraging companies to expand internationally makes even more sense for the local economy.

Oct 14, 2016 Andrew Grant

Buzzwords: Funnel

Are you a customer that has fallen out of the funnel?

“If I have to use the word ‘funnel’ one more time today, I might die. #buzzwords” — @abhinemani

Posted on Twitter by Sacramento’s Chief Innovation Officer, Abhi Nemani, on Aug. 22, this was the tweet heard ‘round the Comstock’s office. It kicked off a lengthy debate among our staff about what “funnel” actually meant.

Oct 12, 2016 Robin Epley

Infographic: Doctors on Frontlines of an Ever-Changing Profession

The U.S. medical profession is changing for its practitioners. There are fewer and fewer self-employed physicians, as more turn to employment by a medical group or hospital. In general, the U.S. will face a projected shortage of up to 90,400 physicians by 2025. 

Oct 11, 2016 Sara Bogovich