Impact of New Technologies Measured in Social Value

The technologies coming down the pipe now, though, are like nothing we’ve seen before. They’re coming all at once, and they’ll make the most recent digital age feel more like the Stone Age.

Nov 28, 2016 Jack Crawford

Simple, Life-Saving Idea Catches On

Hospitals in Sacramento County give cribs to mothers of newborns to help address sleep-related child deaths

In May 2015, a pediatrician at Kaiser Permanente Roseville Medical Center pioneered a life-saving idea. It was remarkably simple, relatively inexpensive and would help address a public health crisis. Nurses would ask every mother of a newborn leaving the hospital if her baby had a safe place to sleep. If not, Kaiser would send the parent home with a free, portable Pack-N-Play.

Nov 21, 2016 Sena Christian