Virtual Medical Visits Are the New Normal During the Coronavirus Pandemic

California doctors are diagnosing anything from appendicitis to strep throat with only a phone during the coronavirus pandemic. Video visits and conversations are the closest doctors can get to patients who are sheltering in place and avoiding potential exposure from doctor visits.

Apr 27, 2020 Ana B. Ibarra & Elizabeth Aguilera

Reopen California? That’s the Toughest Phase Yet, Newsom Says

Gov. Gavin Newsom said he will not lift his shelter-in-place order until adequate suppression and mitigation measures are in place to prevent future flare-ups. That means tracking down the sick and isolating clusters of new infections, arming hospitals with adequate equipment and setting new guidelines for schools and businesses to reopen.

Apr 15, 2020 Ben Christopher & Rachel Becker

California Ramps up Output of Ventilators as COVID-19 Cases Grow

Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed confidence Saturday that California has the capacity to produce enough ventilators to meet its projected needs in response to the coronavirus pandemic. But he cautioned that the state’s need could expand if the crisis worsens.  

Mar 30, 2020 Nigel Duara & Ana B. Ibarra

No Face Masks so California’s Farmworkers Are Left Unprotected

Face masks have flown off the shelves around the United States amid the coronavirus outbreak, even though experts have advised people against wearing them unless they are sick. That has triggered a shortage for farmworkers, who wear masks to avoid inhaling pesticides or field dust.

Mar 26, 2020 Kate Cimini