Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Are Perks and Benefits Negotiable With Salary?
PODCAST: An employer asks whether perks such as vacation time and telecommuting privileges can be negotiated with a job candidate.

Startup of the Month: Sama Learning
VR platform expands learning possibilities
This spring, COVID-19 forced schools to go online. But, for the most part, the teaching models remained the same. Sama Learning, a Nevada City-based startup, wants to transform those models.

Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Using a Coworker’s Salary as Leverage
PODCAST: I just found out a coworker is making more than I am, even though I have been here longer. How can I bring this up to my manager without giving away how I found out?

Getting a Leg Up in the New Economy
Comstock’s founder and publisher shares her thoughts on new innovations that may ease the post-pandemic economic recovery.

Main Street: A New Chapter
Family-owned bookstore adjusts to limitations of state’s coronavirus order
Crawford’s Books owner Sue Richards now offers curbside pickup at her store on Freeport Boulevard in the Hollywood Park neighborhood of Sacramento.

Startup of the Month: RAIVES
Medical clip helps organize hospital room equipment
As a hospital assistant at UC Davis Medical Center, Tony Braham helps nurses lift and move patients. In other words, “We’re the muscle of the hospital,” Braham says, and his startup aims to help “the muscle” be more mobile.

Getting to Know: Julianna Boggs
Tabeaux Cellars co-owner on building a family-run winery in Amador County
The family behind Tabeaux Cellars is not of your standard wine-country lineage. Rather, they are “just a family producing a decidedly small allocation of foothill glou glou,” as the winery’s charming Instagram bio states.

In the Making: A Daring Brew
Based in Auburn, the Common Cider Company produces around 75,000
gallons of hard cider monthly. Owner Fran Toves began brewing
cider on a dare in 2012.

Startup of the Month: OpenGrants
Platform simplifies search for public funding
Based in Sacramento, OpenGrants is a free platform that uses machine learning to sift through, list and match users with grant writers and opportunities. The platform reduces the opportunity cost inherent in the grant funding process by 30-40 percent.

The COVID-19 Pandemic Calls for Patience, Not Panic
Comstock’s founder and publisher reflects on the coronavirus pandemic and the people who are working to lessen the blow in the Capital Region.