Stop Fearing Failure
If your business or career isn’t working, it’s time to regroup and rebound
Henry Ford dreamed of mass-producing cars. So he started the Detroit Automobile Company … and it flopped. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first job at a TV station. Before she dominated the world of fashion, Vera Wang failed to realize her original dream — making it as an Olympic figure skater.

California Wants More Education Aid for College-Enrolled Moms and Dads
California has increased awards to up $6,000 for UC, Cal State and community college students with children — but delays and funding limitations are making it clear that for “nontraditional” students, more must be done.

Buzzwords: Silo
A part of a company that works in isolation from others, making for a culture of limited communication
Silos can be formed when making sure employees’ time is spent only on their expertise or when everyone in the company is so busy they feel they don’t have time to reach beyond their domain.

Meeting Goals
Sure, we all hate meetings — but they are essential, and there are ways to make them better
I bet you a cup of coffee that you are reading this just before a meeting, or maybe just after. Another bet: You feel that there are too many meetings. A third: This gauntlet of meetings can make it tough — or impossible — to finish your work.

Why Are There Few Women CEOs?
Women comprise nearly 50 percent of the American workforce, but they make up barely a quarter of all senior executives at large U.S. public companies — and only around 5 percent of Standard & Poor’s 500 companies have female CEOs.

In Transition: Joshua Hanosh Is a Different Kind of Teacher Now
Education aligned with the couple’s shared mission of making a difference in the world. But Joshua Hanosh says the workplace wore on him. And so he learned how to code in hopes of pursuing a different career.

Teaching the Teachers
With the teacher shortage at crisis levels, education leaders are trying something new — intensive coaching while training on the job
Statewide, the number of people getting into teaching via a county office of education or school district internship doubled in the last five years.

Inside California’s New Paid Family Leave Law
California recently approved a longer paid family leave, allowing workers whose blessed events fall on the right side of the new law to take up to eight weeks off with partial pay to bond with a new baby. How’s that going to work?

CohnReznick Believes Differences Make Us Stronger
CohnReznick knows promoting a diverse environment isn’t just the right thing to do — it makes the company better at what it does.

In Transition: Maria Kang Leads an Empowerment Mission
Elk Grove woman stands her ground — and goes viral
The irony of Maria Kang’s international success is not lost on her: The same critics who helped her message go viral inadvertently opened the door for her to reach a global audience.