Collaborating to Care for Seniors
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels by ACC is adapting its services for the health and safety of participants, as well as staff and volunteers, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Partnerships and program changes enable MoW to continue delivering meals to seniors throughout Sacramento County.
Innovative Housing Solutions
Proven programs, strong partnerships, healthy communities.
The mission of Women’s Empowerment is to educate and empower women who are experiencing homelessness with the skills and confidence to get a job, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children. With California’s homelessness crisis at an all-time high, compounded by a housing crisis, WE has committed to a groundbreaking project.
Cristo Rey Sacramento
Sacramento’s workforce development partner.
Established in 2006, Cristo Rey high school Sacramento helps prepare our region’s future workforce. Workforce development is a critical topic among companies, nonprofit organizations and government agencies, and Cristo Rey goes beyond theory to real practice by putting high school students into real jobs through its Work-Study program.
Saint John’s Program for Real Change
Breaking the cycle, changing lives.
Single-mother-led families are among the most invisible yet
rapidly growing segments of the exploding homeless population.
Saint John’s Program for Real Change offers life- changing
services to help these women and children break the cycle of
poverty and dependence, one family at a time.
American River Bank Foundation
Funding our future.
The American River Bank Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that create opportunities, enhance self-esteem, and promote physical and emotional well-being for the most vulnerable women and children in the communities the Bank serves.
Tranforming the aging experience.
Eskaton’s nonprofit commitment to the greater Sacramento region has never been more vibrant. For more than 50 years, Eskaton has partnered with local organizations to educate and provide resources to improve the well-being and independence of older adults.
Broadway Sacramento
Educating, engaging and entertaining the Sacramento community.
Broadway Sacramento has been both entertaining and educating residents of Sacramento and Northern California for decades. Though the organization’s stage productions are most visible to the public, its Education and Community Engagement Department’s programs are at the root of its mission.
Homeowners helping the homeless
Sacramento Self-Help Housing sponsored by Wells Fargo
Sacramento Self-Help Housing, a highly successful 501(c)(3), tackles the issue of homelessness in a unique way that directly benefits the homeless population as well as homeowners. “Our approach is not building additional housing, but creating more capacity within the current housing stocks,” explains John Foley, executive director.
Reaching out to treat autism worldwide
UC Davis MIND Institute Sponsored by AKT Investments
The UC Davis MIND Institute is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary center for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. With cutting-edge research, innovative clinical programs and state-of-the-art treatment, this unique center draws worldwide recognition.
Crisis Intervention Lifeline For Youth
California Coalition for Youth
Everyone has times of struggle in life, and young people are no exception. In fact, in many cases, they can feel life’s upheavals most acutely, whether those troubles stem from family, friends, dating, other close relationships, school, jobs, clubs or teams.