Dilemma of the Month: Who Follows the Dress Code?
My organization’s dress code is business casual — jeans are acceptable with nice tops. But our leadership team disagrees over who should have to follow this dress code. Should all our employees have the same expectations or is there a different standard for those that come in contact with clients or vendors more regularly?

Isleton’s Origins
Isleton dates back to 1874 when Josiah Pool established the town in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and constructed a wharf for steamboats that stopped twice daily on routes between San Francisco, Sacramento and Marysville. Meanwhile, Chinese laborers built the levee system that transformed the Delta’s peat soil into fertile farmland.

Big Shake-Up in the Delta’s ‘Little Paris’
Can fresh faces and new initiatives help rural Isleton thrive again?
Isleton has had its share of ups and downs over the years from municipal mismanagement to natural disasters. Now a new city manager and cohort of businessowners hope to see Main Street — and the town itself — thrive again.

New Life for Vacant Lots in Sacramento’s Central City
Infill development near record levels on the grid
Throughout Sacramento’s central city, houses, apartments and businesses have often sat next to vacant lots. It’s been a sign of economic imperfection and, perhaps, of Midtown’s funkiness, with the land sometimes turned into unofficial parks, urban gardens or vehicle parking.
This is starting to change.

Crunching Numbers
CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost on challenges facing the largest public pension fund in the nation
With about $350 billion in assets, CalPERS is the largest public pension fund in the nation. Comstock’s spoke with CEO Marcie Frost about some of the challenges the system faces — including the decision to lower its expected rate of return, thereby driving up the mandatory financial contribution from state and local governments.

Fast Tracked
The results are coming in from a multiyear push to increase graduation rates — and they look promising
Delayed college graduation is costly to students, schools and local economies. Both Sac State and Los Rios implemented measures to help students graduate faster. Can they move grads through without diminishing the quality of education? Results look promising.

The Herb Column: High-Level Eats
New users of edibles should proceed with caution
To many consumers, the idea of edibles — cannabis-infused chocolate bars, brownies and other treats — sounds enticing. Especially considering health concerns about cigarettes have made people uncomfortable with smoke, including from marijuana.

Back and Forward: Jennifer Randlett Madden
Employment law adviser on independent contractor classification
Jennifer Randlett Madden, partner at Delfino Madden O’Malley Coyle & Koewler, offers her insight into independent contractor classification. For more from Madden, check out “Classification Complications” in our August issue, and now online.

Classification Complications
How to navigate the maze of California’s new rules on overtime and independent contractors
Employee classification is already murky territory for many business owners, and recent changes have further tightened requirements. Yet, with huge penalties attached to mistakes, the laws are critical to understand.

Why Businesses Should Care About Energy Efficiency
The Sacramento area economy continues to grow, thriving in the wake of the Great Recession 10 years ago with new and existing business expansion. With that growth comes new opportunities, as well as some challenges for our community.