Entrepreneur Showcase
16 founders with the skills to make it work
We asked readers to submit their picks for the Capital Region’s top entrepreneurs —and you answered. Our editorial team vetted almost 100 nominations, looking for innovative business ideas, interesting backstories, unique products and services and that ineffable “it” factor. And here they are…

MBA Makeover
As enrollment in MBA programs drops nationwide, area universities adapt their offerings for the modern student
With interest in MBAs flat or falling across the nation, can modernization help programs keep up with student interest? We take a look at how the region’s education programs are innovating their offerings.

An Entrepreneur Needs to Ask These Five Questions
Resilience and risk are must-have traits to secure support for your entrepreneurial vision.

Art Exposed: Alexander Suelto
Stockton artist on the city’s revitalization
Alexander Suelto has always been inspired by street art. As a teenager coming of age in Stockton in the ‘90s, he admired the local graffiti artists whose art brought the city to life. Back then, street art was widely stigmatized.

Navigating Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace
Chantal Allen-Jarrell, Sacramento County Health Educator, interviews Bill Marr of Stop Stigma Sacramento
One in five adults in this country will experience a diagnosable mental illness during their lifetime. Here, in Sacramento County, an estimated 300,000 residents are living with mental illness, which impacts every ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, religious, gender, sexual orientation and age group.

The 5G Promise
Does Verizon’s 5G wireless network have the power to boost entrepreneurship in the Sacramento Region?
With the deployment of Verizon’s 5G wireless network on the horizon in 2018, some say Sacramento has the potential to become a lightning rod for tech. Is there truth to the hype?

Out With the Soda, in With the Milk
California lawmakers consider limiting drinks for kids meals
As the food court at a Sacramento mall buzzed with families on a recent summer day, Emily Wickelgren and her daughter Thea were enjoying lunch at Subway. The 7-year-old opted for water with her sandwich instead of soda or juice.

Fight of the Navigators
Connecting homeless to health care saves money in the ER
Regina Vasquez ended up homeless after her father passed away. Embarrassed by incontinence caused by Crohn’s disease, she found living out of her car a more dignified alternative to life in a public shelter. She worried constantly about her next visit to Sutter’s emergency department, and whether she would need yet another surgery. She estimates she made six to eight ER visits per year during her time on the streets.

The Herb Column: Where Did All the Cannabis Watchdogs Go?
Why Comstock’s is launching THC, a monthly column on the cannabis business
Getting reliable information about cannabis may be more important than ever. But finding reliable cannabis information has become harder because of another trend — the decimation of newsroom staffs.

Donor Behavior
Who is giving what to their alma maters?
Universities are having a hard time getting recent grads to loosen their purse strings. Here’s what current donation trends look like: