A Growing Green Debt?
As PACE takes off, realtors warn that unwary homeowners are complicating their finances
Call it the tale of two turfs. In summer 2014, 27-year-old Benjamin Triffo wanted to do something about his dry, unattractive yard. He owns a four-bedroom, four-bath duplex in Elk Grove that he’d bought in 2011, and his sprinkler lines were broken. But with the state passing rules last July that would allow fines for overwatering, Triffo quickly figured out that replacing his system and re-sodding would be like attaching a drain line to his checkbook.

The Psychology Behind Why We Tip
Studies show it has little to do with the quality of service
Last summer, Magpie Café in midtown Sacramento added a line on their customers’ checks. It gave them the option to tip the cooks separately from the servers. It gave diners what they universally say they want: more control.

Proof That Your Performance Bonus Is a Total Lie
Congratulations sub-par workers, even you can expect a bonus for a mediocre year of work.

Tipping Made Easy
Payment technologies, like Square, might lead to better tips
If there is any advice businesses can glean from the often surprising research and real life stories about our oddly emotional connection to tipping, it’s this: Don’t mess if you don’t have to.

Startup of the Month: Magilla Loans
Search engine helps business owners look for loans in all the right places
Think about it like a dating site, except members are looking for loans instead of love. The matchmaker is Magilla Loans, a free, anonymous search engine that helps small business owners to find loans directly from reputable banks across the country.

Here’s What Your Bonus Might Look Like This Year
While most workers don’t expect to get a little extra something from their bosses this year, many companies are, in fact, doling out holiday bonuses. Of 368 human resource professionals and executives surveyed in Bloomberg BNA’s annual Year End-Holiday Practices survey, 42 percent said that they planned to give end-of-year bonuses, with most employers opting for cash over gifts.

A Big Idea for Retirement
College as a Way to Learn and Stay Happy
Between the day-to-day demands of life, and fiscal responsibilities (like budgeting) necessary for retirement preparation, sometimes important aspects of planning for the future get overlooked. It’s not uncommon for someone to have spent their entire career with an eye toward their post-work life, only to retire and wonder, what am I going to do now?

Student Debt Can Hurt Women More Than Men
It will take women MBAs a year longer than men to pay back their student loans, according to our analysis of Bloomberg data, gleaned from our annual ranking of MBA programs.

Better Crowdfunding Means Better Business
Small businesses keep California humming. They make up an impressive 99.2 percent of California’s employers and employ more than 6 million Californians. But small businesses can’t thrive and grow – or even get off the ground – if they can’t access loans or credit.