Carrying Student Debt? You May Be In for a Lot of Robo-Calls
In the past, debt collectors could autodial borrowers only on the phone number they provide in their loan agreements. The new rules could allow the companies to repeatedly call any phone number associated with a student loan borrower—including family members’ cell phones or any number once held by the debtor.

10 Year-End Tax Strategies
Important tax legislation that becomes retroactive to the beginning of the year is often not finalized until late in the year. Obviously, this leaves very little wiggle room for tax planning. To get ahead in your preparations, there are things you can think about or do now, to avoid a rush come December.

JPMorgan to Pay California $50 Million for Credit-Card Abuse
JPMorgan Chase & Co. agreed to pay California $50 million to resolve claims the bank cheated tens of thousands of credit-card customers while collecting debts from them, California Attorney General Kamala Harris said.

Hanson McClain’s Money Matters
When meeting the public’s needs, radio and advising go hand-in-hand
If it seems like they’re having fun, they are. That’s because the trust derived from a 23-year business partnership, a union rooted in mutual respect and shared interest, is bound to translate over the air. Hanson McClain’s Money Matters, a Saturday call-in financial topic radio program, was originally created by Scott Hanson and Pat McClain to give their investment advisory firm some added name recognition.

Wells Fargo Beats Estimates on Higher Loans, Interest Income
Wells Fargo & Co., the world’s largest bank by market value, posted a third-quarter profit that beat analysts’ estimates on gains in interest income from asset purchases and new loans.

California Wildfires Will Cost Insurers More Than $1.1 Billion
The wildfires that raged across Northern California last month will cost insurers more than $1.1 billion, according to catastrophe modeler Impact Forecasting.

What That Chip in Your New Credit Card Means for You
The credit cards in most Americans’ wallets are pretty much antiques. They’re easy to counterfeit, thanks to magnetic strips that rely on basically the same 1960s technology used in cassette tapes. At last they’re getting an upgrade, giving them the technology, called EMV chips, used almost everywhere else in the world.

How to Make Managing Your Money Less Scary: Do it Over Eggs and Bacon
“Everyone’s stressed out about money, everyone’s nervous, everyone’s embarrassed about it, everyone thinks they’re making all these mistakes and they’re the only ones doing it. The idea of getting to relax and have a meal with somebody just changes the conversation and changes the atmosphere.”

How West Coast Businesses are (Trying to) Balance a Higher Minimum Wage
In California, higher state and local minimum wages are contributing to some owners’ decisions to sell businesses, said Bob House, general manager of the San Francisco-based brokerage BizBuySell. The company listed 2,296 businesses for sale in metropolitan Los Angeles between March and June, compared with 2,136 in the same period a year earlier.

Super-Earners Targeted in California Tax Push as Revenue Surges
Governor Jerry Brown convinced voters in 2012 they had to raise taxes if they wanted to avoid Draconian cuts to schools. It was temporary, he said. Now, as state coffers are heavy with surplus revenue, advocacy groups and organized labor want to keep the levies in place.