7 Steps To Set Up Your Own Home Office
Do you get to work from home? Congratulations, you lucky person, you! But don’t just throw your laptop on the coffee table and call it a day — a home office is a must-have for any modern professional who works and lives in the same space. Follow these seven tips to be professional in the comfort of your own home.

Peer-to-Peer Feedback Needed
1 Million Cups launches in Sacramento to assist local startups
Based on the notion that entrepreneurs network and discover solutions over a million cups of coffee, 1 Million Cups is a free, weekly gathering that helps elevate startup communities on a grassroots level.

Dilemma of the Month: My Boss is Leaving the Company
My boss told me she is resigning. She has given a month’s notice, says she is leaving for a position that will help her grow professionally.Will my new boss be as transparent and flexible and interested in developing me professionally as my current boss? What will I do if we don’t work together well?

California Finds Wells Fargo Absence Doesn’t Dent Demand
California Treasurer John Chiang’s decision to ban Wells Fargo & Co. from underwriting state debt isn’t interfering with demand for the securities of the municipal market’s biggest issuer.

CalPERS Braces for Lower Returns in ‘Most Challenging Market’
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the largest U.S. public pension fund, is ratcheting down expected investment gains over the next decade as low interest rates and a gloomier stock market depress returns.

Is Your Business Locked into Narrow Thinking?
The space between the either/or continuum is full of unexplored option
Have you heard the riddle of a father and son who get in a horrible car crash that kills the dad? The son is rushed to the hospital and the surgeon exclaims, “I can’t operate, that boy is my son!” The listener’s expectation is challenged when the riddle’s answer is given: The surgeon might be the boy’s mother.

7 Sneaky Exercises You Can Do At Work
Your coworkers will never notice
Feeling stiff at work? Want to stretch out but don’t have the space or social courage to get up and bust out some exercise moves in front of your coworkers? Fear no more: We’ve compiled a bunch of stretches that can all be done in an office setting and best of all — ranked them from least attention-getting to the most disruptive.

Baby on the Way, Now What?
Freelance Life: Taking parental leave as a solopreneur
Taking parental leave whether you’re the mom- or dad-to-be is no easy undertaking, and it’s not always guaranteed. If you’re traditionally employed, paid maternity leave is at the discretion of private companies.

Infographic: Doctors on Frontlines of an Ever-Changing Profession
The U.S. medical profession is changing for its practitioners. There are fewer and fewer self-employed physicians, as more turn to employment by a medical group or hospital. In general, the U.S. will face a projected shortage of up to 90,400 physicians by 2025.

Death of the Family Doctor
As health care evolves and hospitals grow, running an independent practice becomes less feasible for more and more doctors
The friendly family doctor with a black bag who would come for house calls, remove swollen tonsils, check a child’s temperature during the flu season, deliver a young woman’s baby and carefully tend to the sick and dying in their own beds is gone.