Kelly Azevedo is the founder of She’s Got Systems. She has worked in start-up, growing, six-figure and million-dollar online businesses with a variety of entrepreneurs. She’s managed programs varying from private client coaching and small groups, all the way to larger programs serving hundreds of clients simultaneously. Familiar with the systems and behind-the-scenes support of these successful entrepreneurs, she’s created easy-to-implement and powerful systems to help you reach the next level. Her work has appeared in print or online in the New York Times, Forbes, Inc., US News, Mashable and The Huffington Post. On Twitter @krazevedo.
By this person

Systems for Success
How to build your marketing approach without making it formulaic
Whether your business relies on tried-and-true methods like billboards, commercials, sponsorships, local print advertising and mailers, or digital ones like social media channels, email marketing, Facebook promotions and Google ads, your marketing needs a system.

Multilevel Marketing Might Offer Some Lessons in Entrepreneurship — but There Are Better Ways to Learn
I consider myself a typical entrepreneur. Authentically growing an audience for my business consultancy — which develops custom business systems solutions — and pivoting when something doesn’t work out and serving clients day-to-day isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding.

Why You Need a Digital Detox
As a millennial and small business owner, you can expect to find me on the internet all day, most days. It’s how I find clients, communicate with my community and stay up to date on the lives of friends around the world.

3 Steps for Using Discernment in Your Business
Discernment is a criminally underused tool of business owners. We often forget that the one person who knows the most about a company’s vision, mission, budget, team capacity, goals, strengths, weaknesses, projects and growth potential is not the random person who wandered into the store — but the owner of the business.

Is it the Right Time to Raise Your Service Rates?
Whether you’re a personal trainer offering new classes or a gardener who offers tree trimming, increasing your rates reflects the value your business provides.

Are Your Business Systems Innovative?
Documenting your processes drives company innovation
Whether you set out to innovate an industry by changing the rules or simply keep on top of your own projects by finding the best practices and implementing them, at the heart of innovation is continual improvement throughout the business.

3 Reasons Why Your Family Business Needs Systems
Call it a disagreement, difference of opinion or power struggle, but family-owned businesses are no less likely to have challenges about how things are run than any other company.
Here are my top three reasons why family businesses need systems:

Plan a Promo Today
Don’t wait until back-to-school or the holidays to offer a promo — do them year-round
Quick! What’s the next promotion, holiday sale or sales strategy you’re using in your business? If you’re thinking about Christmas or even Black Friday, then it’s time to shake up your marketing and create a system for monthly campaigns to promote your services, products or programs.

Time for Time Off?
Making sure you take time for yourself can lead to a healthier work life
If you need a better reason than being “tired” for taking time off, here are four ways to structure your vacation time that benefit you and your employer.

3 Steps for Consistent Customer Service
Crafting standards is critical to your business
Studies have shown that the only thing worse than bad customer service is inconsistent service, which leaves a consumer confused and wary about what to expect when they walk into a store, call the help desk or send an email. With more choices available than ever before, we all want consistency and to know what to expect in a given situation.

3 Types of Support You Think You Don’t Need
Outsourcing these basic tasks can skyrocket your productivity
Spending more time on work-related tasks often creates a time deficit at home, leading to increased stress. The catch-22 is that when you have healthy balanced meals, a clean home and fresh laundry, it’s easier to tackle the growth of your business and challenges that come up.

Rewards Your Clients Will Actually Appreciate
Don’t turn a reward for customer loyalty into an afterthought — do it strategically
Rewarding customer loyalty is a great way to build a community and encourage repeat business, but too often client rewards are an afterthought that ruin the goodwill you’re trying to build.

How to Handle Negative Reviews
Don’t let a criticism bring you down — or kill your business
What is it about New Year’s and resolutions? They go together like peanut butter and jelly, but while it may be easy to make resolutions galore, keeping even one is much harder. Entrepreneurs setting 2017 goals will likely think about better marketing campaigns, adding more loyal customers, providing excellent service to clients and keeping a great reputation in the market.

How to Raise Rates the Right Way
Your business can increase its rates without turning off clients
Earlier this year, I was booking an appointment with a company I’d frequented for the past eight years when the receptionist informed me that their rates were changing — increasing by 25 percent, effective end of the week.

The Amazon Sales Tactic You Should Absolutely Copy
Why your business needs its own ‘Prime Day’
Your company could benefit from its own version of an online retail event to drive excitement, loyalty and sales.

Plan Your 2017 Strategy Now
Entrepreneurs and business owners always need to be planning ahead
While we’re several months away from the deluge of articles and general business obsession over 2017 goals, plans and strategy, now is the ideal time to determine your first quarter goals and plans.

Your Business Can Take Advantage of Back-to-School Sales
Seasonal sales throughout the year offer benefits to companies’ bottom lines
It’s that time of year again: the start of a new school year. As millions of students head back to school, their parents head to local stores and to their computers or phones to purchase for all the necessary supplies.

Businesses Should Plan for a #Socialmediafail
Mistakes are inevitable — the challenging comes with handling them
No matter how careful you are on social media, just like normal social interactions, to some extent failure is inevitable.

Don’t Let Your Web Presence be an Afterthought
The ubiquity of smartphones in our culture is both a blessing and a curse, as information is right at your fingertips in an instant but getting the correct information can be harder than ever.

Don’t Wait to Create Social Media Guidelines
One misstep can spell disaster for your business
Social media is like quicksand. From afar it looks innocent, but one misstep posting the wrong image or making an improper comment can sink your reputation faster than you thought possible. Additionally, while social media can be a powerful tool to reach clients, get media attention and share promotions with your audience, managing it all can be time consuming.

The Entrepreneur Bingo Game
Check off the things that have happened in your business
If you only read what gets posted on social media or hear what’s bragged about in speeches, you’d believe that being an entrepreneur is the best thing ever! But we’ve all experienced the rollercoaster ups and downs that come with owning one’s own business, sometimes one right after another.

How to Survive an Employee’s Departure
These steps will help ease the transition when an employee leaves
It’s inevitable. You’re just getting into a groove with your business and team when someone announces she’s retiring, moving on, starting a family or going back to school. Or maybe you’re about to take a long-awaited vacation when you find out an employee has given notice.

Is it Time to Off-Board a Client?
How to create a clear transition from client to former client
When your company closes a new client, the last thing you might be thinking is how you’re going to eventually close out the contract, too. But not matter what you sell, every business needs this departure system in place if you’re going to have clean transitions and decrease stress.

How to Exit Gracefully
4 tips for leaving a job on good terms
Long gone are the days of employees spending 40 years in service to the same company. Some experts now say that you should plan to change employment every three to five years to continue to advance and grow. Whenever it comes time to leave your job, you’ll want to make a graceful exit both as a professional courtesy and in consideration of your reputation.

Getting it Right, Right Away
Without a clear onboarding process, you risk losing new business
Sales and marketing can feel like a never ending marathon — as soon as you reach the finish line with one lead, there’s another sale to close. Even when all your hard work results in new sales, many businesses fumble when they pass the baton to engaging and welcoming the new client. The lack of a solid onboarding strategy can result in a rocky start to your relationship with clients, increased requests for refunds and decreased confidence in your business.

Don’t Make the Same Mistake Next Year
16 systems you need for 2016
The process of identifying a problem and building a system for the solution doesn’t have to be difficult, time consuming or expensive — but it does require your attention. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone.

Avoid the Event-Planning Headache
How to create a template for your business events
It’s event season and whether you’re throwing a simple holiday party at the office or gearing up for your spring conference, there are some simple systems that can keep stress at bay.

Cash in on the Chaos
It’s time to get a head start on your Black Friday plan
Whether or not your business is in retail products, you can make the most of this momentum to promote your company and offer special promotions to existing customers and leads — making your last quarter more profitable and less stressful.

Digitize Your Operating Manual
A company wiki will make office life easier
It’s September, the nationally recognized time to get back to school and learn something new. Even if you graduated long ago, it’s still a great time to introduce new systems to improve your business. Whether you’re a brick and mortar, a solo entrepreneur, exclusively online or fall somewhere in the middle, documenting what you do and how you do it is more important than ever.

3 Tips for Taking a Vacation
You’ll have to plan ahead to truly unplug
We often get so caught up in the planning of our time away that we fail to consider what needs to happen at the office while we’re gone. Make it as easy as possible for your team to cover essentials while you’re gone, and set yourself up for success upon your return

How to Avoid Falling Asleep at Your Next Conference
3 ways to make business travel more fun — and more lucrative
While travel for business always sounds more exciting than it usually is, you still want the trip to be worthwhile. Whether you’re a seasoned business traveler or just an office escapee, making the most of your trips is not only good for the company but for you as well.

Is Your Client a Problem Child?
3 steps for setting boundaries and knowing when to say goodbye
Every service business has had one: the dreaded problem client. These clients seem to bring more trouble than their business is worth, and dealing with them can quickly become a time sink. When dealing with a problem child, you need to implement solutions and be prepared to sever the relationship if those solutions don’t pan out. Here’s how:

So You Want to Try Telecommuting
3 steps to get you started
Telecommuting is a hot topic around many water coolers and a popular office perk, particularly for enticing young professionals. But while it may be commonplace in a number of companies, deciding if it is right for your team takes careful consideration. If you do choose to enable telecommuting, a few simple policies can make the process smoother.

Building a Legacy
3 steps to ensure your business lasts long after you’ve stopped running it
It’s a challenge that faces many entrepreneurs of self-built companies. How do you gracefully and lucratively transition a business to a successor or new owner when it’s time to retire?

Avoid the System Meltdown
3 tips for adopting new business procedures
You may be ready to embrace change, implement new software or just create new rules around email. But getting the whole team on board can be a task in itself. Change is always harder than it seems. Here are a few tips for getting buy-in.

Time to Move It, Move It
When and how to plan ahead to avoid office-move headaches
Has the day has finally arrived to move your business into a new home? Learn how to survive the transition without losing your patience, computers or sanity.

Spread the Love
True client appreciation requires a year-round strategy
While it may be tempting to wait until next year to tally up the cards and gifts you’ll need to send clients at the end of 2015, there are ways to show your supporters that you appreciate them year round. Here’s how to develop a year-round strategy without additional headaches.

Back Off!
Micromanaging is toxic — here are 3 tips to help you stop today
At my first full-time job after college, the office manager routinely sorted through the recycling box to ensure that tossed junk mail had been cancelled with the sender. If someone from my department did not write the cancellation clearly enough, there was a lecture. This culminated in a 20-minute rant and the ultimate request to track all incoming junk mail, date of cancellation and subsequent mail on a spreadsheet for review. I refused. And then I quit.

Tactical Training
An efficient system will save you time and energy
You’ve finally done it. Your business now has that elusive support team that should enable you to take the odd weekend off, serve more clients and stop being the bottleneck for every decision. Time to celebrate! … Except, you remember, you still need to train those new team members.

High-Speed Hiring
How to automate your process from start to finish
In a world with automated bill paying, direct deposits and DVR, you may be thinking “what will they automate next?” If you’re a business owner looking for seasonal help or another employee, then I have good news for you. Automating your hiring process can not only save time and headaches, but it can also help identify the best applicants easier than ever.

Winners Know When to Quit
4 situations where it's OK to walk away
Business owners and entrepreneurs are often lauded for working against all the odds and being too stubborn to quit. But in reality, there are times when quitting is the best option available.

Reaching Inbox Zero
5 steps to stop your inbox from running your life and ruining your day
Abandoning your email is sort of like running away from home: We all know you’ll be back by dinner time.

Avoid the Post-15 Flop
Turn your business’ 15 minutes of fame into long-term success
It may seem that landing that New York Times interview, getting featured on the front page of AOL or winning a $135,000 business contest means that, as a business owner, you are set for life. In truth, it’s just the beginning.

Maximize Your Ad Dollars
The 3 steps you must take before launching your next ad campaign
When it comes time to launch your new products, offers and ad campaign for the new year, your focus will likely be on the initial offer. But your success will depend on the behind-the-scenes planning you do ahead of time.

14 for ‘14
The essential business metrics you need to track in the new year
New Year’s is the quintessential time for small businesses to make (and keep) resolutions for growth. But achieving your company’s 2014 goals hinges on knowing some important numbers, and many businesses never go beyond their income to identify and track essential metrics. Here are the 14 most important performance measures to track this year.