Dilemma of the Month: Should WFH or WIO workers get paid more?

I have a weird problem. We have some jobs that can be done remotely, and some must be done on-site. Several employees who can work remotely moved during the pandemic, so they couldn’t come in without moving back. But the problem is that both the WFH (work from home) and the WIO (work in office) think they deserve salary increases because of their working conditions.

Sep 7, 2023 Suzanne Lucas

Successful Entrepreneurs Are Innovative Risk-Takers

Comstock’s president and publisher considers the risks involved in becoming a successful small-business entrepreneur — such as starting a magazine with just $2.50 in your pocket.

Sep 1, 2023 Winnie Comstock-Carlson

Dilemma of the Month: Can My Boss Hold ‘Boys Only’ Work Events?

I currently work for a small mom-and-pop company of only 11 employees, including the owners. The owners are husband and wife, 65 and 75 years old. The co-owner (husband) keeps having “boys only” events, such as weekly happy hours and trips on his boats; women are not invited.

Aug 16, 2023 Suzanne Lucas