Cultivating Creativity

Sutter Health Chief Design and Innovation Officer Chris Waugh on empathy and the case for innovation under constraint

Chris Waugh’s entire corporate career has been about finding a better way to do things. Two years ago, he brought expertise in innovative thinking and problem-solving to local health powerhouse Sutter Health, joining the company as its first chief innovation officer. We sat down with him to discuss his views on bringing out-of-the-box thinking to a company over a century old.

Dec 4, 2017 Rich Ehisen

Seek Solutions by Seeking Empathy

The planning stage of our December issue typically starts with a conversation reviewing what we mean by “innovation.” Technology is often only part of it — a starting point, if that. Notable innovation hinges on better solutions to existing problems.

Nov 30, 2017 Allison Joy

Dilemma of the Month: Snooping on Employee Email

I have an employee who hasn’t been performing well. Last week, she was out sick again and I needed a report. I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. So, I asked IT if I could get the report from her email, and they gave me access to her inbox. I found the report, but curiosity overcame me, and I opened a few other emails. I feel totally guilty — I snooped. Is this legal? Is it moral? What do I do with this information?

Nov 2, 2017 Suzanne Lucas