How to Become a Coach-Style Leader
A good leader is someone whose people are productive, innovative and excited to be part of the team. How does an employee — particularly one new to a leadership role — develop the skills to create and manage such a team?
Dilemma of the Month: Responding to Requests for Reference Checks
“Evil HR Lady” Suzanne Lucas explains what you should say — and what you shouldn’t — when a prospective employer calls with a reference check.
CohnReznick Believes Differences Make Us Stronger
CohnReznick knows promoting a diverse environment isn’t just the right thing to do — it makes the company better at what it does.
Employers Urged to Find New Ways to Address Workers’ Mental Health
Last year, California passed legislation that made it the first state to establish voluntary standards for workplace mental health. Companies like Sutter Health, Walgreens and Bank of America quickly signed on to address mental health wellness in the workplace. Will others follow suit?
Dilemma of the Month: Retaliating Against Whistleblowers
After an employee lodged an OSHA complaint against a company, his manager found a journal in the employee’s office that would make any reasonable person cringe in the era of #MeToo. Comstock’s columnist Suzanne Lucas explains why it’s still a bad idea to terminate the employee in this case.
Getting Intimate
Becoming closer to coworkers may increase productivity, collaboration and innovation
Advanced leaders realize the importance of intimacy, with a goal of creating a second family in the workplace.
5 Strategies Leaders Use to Sustain a Great Workplace Culture
Unemployment rates in Sacramento and across America are at historic lows. The competition for talent is fierce, because great people are the lifeblood of every successful enterprise. There is no more important role for leaders than that of a teambuilder.
St. HOPE’s Dual Approach in Oak Park Can Be a Model for Other Nonprofits
Cities across the country struggle with how to revitalize historically disenfranchised neighborhoods. An interesting and successful model — using public education, economic development and self-empowerment to drive change — has had a profound impact on a local underserved community.
Dilemma of the Month: Switching a Full-Time Worker to a Contractor
A company is considering switching a full-time worker into a contractor after the employee requested to work from home. Can the company legally do this?
Marketing for Mobility
SMUD CEO Arlen Orchard envisions new center making the region a major player in the transportation revolution
A group of public and private sector leaders in Sacramento are working to craft a protocol for self-driving vehicles that could be replicated in other municipalities across the country.