(illustration: Lily Therens)

Pan’s Problems

Push for state contracting legislation fizzles

In May we reported on efforts by Assemblyman Richard Pan, who represents the 9th district covering parts of Sacramento and San Joaquin counties, to curb outsourcing of government projects to the private sector (“Relationship Troubles,” by Russell Nichols, May 2014). Assembly Bill 906, which required all personal service contracts to be approved by the Legislature, went into effect last January. At the time of our story, Pan had proposed an additional package of bills: AB 1574, 1575 and 1578.

Here’s a look at how the bills have progressed:

Nov 3, 2014 Allison Joy

Reform Prop. 13

Is a discussion possible?

After all these years since California voters passed Proposition 13, what will it take to have a rational discussion about amending the way commercial property is assessed?

Oct 30, 2014 Lenny Goldberg

Rising to the Occasion

In November, the Sacramento Region Business Association launched Region Finance, a trade association created to help local governments do more business with community banks. Its board consists of executives from local banks — including River City Bank, American River Bank and others — pushing to keep businesses, resources and funds local to spur economic growth.

May 21, 2018

In Support of Measure L

Why a strong mayor will make for a stronger Sacramento

I’ve watched, listened and learned as the debate over Sacramento’s “strong mayor” initiative has progressed over the past several years. Like many people, I was surprised and a little disappointed when Kevin Johnson started advocating for the strong mayor form of government within months of election to his first term.

But this time it’s different.

Oct 28, 2014 Winnie Comstock-Carlson

Local Businesses Build Buzz for Downtown Stockton

Restaurants, retail stores and salons are among the businesses finding assistance and resources from the Downtown Stockton Alliance, a public-private partnership uniting property owners and downtown businesses with a 2018-2019 strategic plan that focuses on specific steps to increase safety and cleanliness for a more more vibrant downtown.

May 18, 2018 Debra Belt