Despite Concessions, Worries Remain Over Gig Economy Bill

California is poised to pass a sweeping labor bill that would turn drivers into employees, but gig companies are concerned about the implications and are urging lawmakers to forge a new path

Over Labor Day, Gov. Gavin Newsom declared his support for reclassifying an estimated 2 million California workers as employees instead of independent contractors. But while Democratic presidential candidates have seized upon labor standards of gig workers as a campaign issue, many questions remain about AB 5’s implications.

Sep 6, 2019 Judy Lin

California’s Tourism Industry Could Be a Boon for Local Communities

California continues to surf a huge economic wave with year-after-year tourism growth, generating more than $140 billion for the state last year and supporting the livelihoods of millions of residents. But as any big wave surfer knows, the thrill of success also comes with perils, and in the case of tourism, the situation can get gnarly fast. 

Aug 29, 2019 Costas Christ & Caroline Beteta