Dilemma of the Month: Drug Testing New Hires

We drug test new hires at my company. When a potential employee’s test comes back positive it’s easy enough to rescind the offer, but we had a candidate have a test returned “negative but diluted” and we rescinded the offer. The candidate had already given two weeks’ notice at his current company and they won’t take him back. Did we do the right thing?

Dec 7, 2017 Suzanne Lucas

Art Exposed: Benwar Shepard

Comstock’s caught up with Benwar Shepard to discuss what’s in store for 2018 as he embarks on his Creative Economy parade project, works on a new studio album with the Element Brass Band, and fathers a brand new baby. 

Dec 7, 2017 Andru Defeye

Cultivating Creativity

Sutter Health Chief Design and Innovation Officer Chris Waugh on empathy and the case for innovation under constraint

Chris Waugh’s entire corporate career has been about finding a better way to do things. Two years ago, he brought expertise in innovative thinking and problem-solving to local health powerhouse Sutter Health, joining the company as its first chief innovation officer. We sat down with him to discuss his views on bringing out-of-the-box thinking to a company over a century old.

Dec 4, 2017 Rich Ehisen

Seek Solutions by Seeking Empathy

The planning stage of our December issue typically starts with a conversation reviewing what we mean by “innovation.” Technology is often only part of it — a starting point, if that. Notable innovation hinges on better solutions to existing problems.

Nov 30, 2017 Allison Joy