Blake Gillespie

Blake Gillespie is a freelance journalist. His work can be found in the Sacramento Bee, Sacramento News & Review, Submerge Magazine and

Jessica Kriegel

Dr. Jessica Kriegel works as an organizational development consultant for Oracle Corporation, where she acts as an adviser and strategist in organizational development, change management and talent development. In 2016, she authored Unfairly Labeled: How Your Workplace Can Benefit From Ditching Generational Stereotypes, published by Wiley. She completed her doctoral degree in educational leadership and management with a specialization in human resources development from Drexel University. Jessica also has an MBA in international business.

Kim Laughton

Kim Laughton is president of Schwab Charitable, based in San Francisco.

Ryan Lundquist

Certified Residential Appraiser

Ryan is a certified residential appraiser in the Sacramento area. He helps illuminate the local real estate market through his Sacramento Appraisal Blog. Ryan is a teacher at heart and regularly does classes for both appraisers and agents. His clients include homeowners, governmental agencies, attorneys, real estate professionals and lenders.

Andru Defeye


Andru Defeye is an established poet, writer, film editor, emcee, journalist and is currently the videographer for Comstock’s’ Buzzwords series. Defeye is founder of the Zero Forbidden Goals performance art crew (ZFG) and has performed everywhere from art museums to festival stages while also designing and developing a Hip Hop based curriculum that meets common core standards in classrooms. Defeye has worked since 2006 documenting local arts and culture as a writer and editor with publications including Sacramento News and Review and Submerge Magazine. 

Faith Lewis

Faith Lewis is a Sacramento based freelance writer and editor. After studying in Oxford, she graduated from Sacramento State with a bachelor’s degree in English. Her love of writing is rivaled only by her love of travel. Find her blog at

Mary Beth Barber

Mary Beth Barber of Sacramento is and independent freelancer writer and former political journalist for publications like Capitol WeeklyCalifornia Journal and others. She got her MBA from Drexel University’s LeBow School of Business, is an active volunteer for creative and education-related nonprofits and boards, and is fascinated by California’s influence on the national and worldwide economy.