Terence Duffy

Back Photographer

Terence grew up everywhere and liked to make things. He discovered photography as a medium with endless creative possibilities and studied the craft at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. “Now I try to figure out how to balance shooting ads and magazine work in between storytimes with my children and matching piles of socks that are endless,” says Terence, who photographed this month’s feature on young professionals, which involved a day-long studio shoot. “I wouldn’t choose any other man’s life over the one I live or any other career — each experience is part of the process.” For more, visit www.terenceduffy.com.

By this person

Giving Students a Fighting Chance With Combat U

When Dr. Luke Wood was finding his sea legs as Sac State’s new president, he walked over to Urijah Faber’s Ultimate Fitness gym on Folsom Boulevard, put on his boxing gloves and sparred with the gym owner. Then a light went off in Wood’s head. Since he was reinventing the university anyway, why not use the opportunity to partner with Faber in setting up a system so students could go to school for fighting?

May 3, 2024 Sasha Abramsky

The Bold Vision of Dr. Luke Wood

Sac State’s new, young president is creating an AI hub, Black honors program, college for foster youth and Combat U

Dr. Luke Wood has set his competitive sights on remaking his university into an institution that can compete academically, not just with other CSUs — he is clear in his ambition to make the beautiful, tree-filled and ethnically diverse campus the flagship university in the CSU system — but with the University of California campuses and other top-tier institutions around the country. 

May 1, 2024 Sasha Abramsky

Gary Gerould Offers Some Play-by-Play About His Life and Career

The sports announcer goes off-mic to do his own color commentary

Gary Gerould, aka The G-Man, has spent more than six decades as a sports journalist and play-by-play announcer. His greatest gift may be that you don’t have to care that much about the sports he’s covered (basketball, auto racing, sumo wrestling and football come immediately to mind) to be familiar with his name, his distinctively even-keeled voice and his remarkable unflappability.

Jan 17, 2024 Ed Goldman

Young Professionals: Nathan Langley

Meet the 10 young professionals who are rocking it in their careers and community

For Nathan Langley, entrepreneurship has meant integrating his drive to save lives with his passion for innovation and sales, and the synthesis has helped him succeed. “Everybody is different, and their experiences are different, but I would find it much more difficult to have overcome some of the challenges that we’ve faced over the years if it wasn’t something I believed in,” he says. 

Jul 13, 2023 Dakota Morlan

Young Professionals: Ken Imwinkelried

Meet the 10 young professionals who are rocking it in their careers and community

Ken Imwinkelried went to work for River City Bank around the time of the Great Recession. Logging extra time on nights and weekends, he learned everything he could about his profession at a very challenging time in the banking industry. And over the course of several years, his extra work paid off with promotion after promotion. But about five years ago, as Imwinkelried implored other staff to not stay too late, he realized he had to do the same.

Jul 12, 2023 Graham Womack

Young Professionals: Phillip Hon

Meet the 10 young professionals who are rocking it in their careers and community

Phillip Hon, executive director of Unbound Stockton, left the sea breezes of Hawaii behind to pursue a dream. In 2013, the nonprofit Teach for America offered him the opportunity to work at Iroquois Point Elementary School in Oahu, where he served as vice principal and on the National Advisory Board of the Collective, Teach For America’s national association for alumni of color.

Jul 11, 2023 Ben Sanchez

A Visit with the Capital’s Real (and More Beloved) Powerhouse

How Sandy Smoley saved the Sacramento Symphony, got those lights installed on the Tower Bridge, chummed around with Ronald Reagan, and thinks we should all sit on our porches

Sandy Smoley was once ubiquitous in local and state government, in the arts, in charity, in civic beautification and ultimately, as an in-demand public affairs and health care consultant for The Smoley Group. We check in with the local icon to see what she’s up to now.

Mar 24, 2023 Ed Goldman