
Show Me the Money

Just because the workload increased doesn’t mean your pay will

I was originally hired for a position that requires me to be in office, working with clients already retained by my company to ensure their contract deliverables are on track. Three months after hire, I was asked to also start working to bring on new clients as well (without commission), something that was not part of my original job description. What happens when the job description and or responsibilities are changed without a change in wage?

Apr 13, 2015 Coral Henning
Alysia Angel, youth programs coordinator, Sacramento LGBT Community Center

Turned Out

Who can meet the needs of our homeless LGBT youth?

Forty percent of homeless youth are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered, compared to just 10 percent for the larger population. Across the United States, there are somewhere around 320,000 to 400,000 homeless LGBT youth. There are roughly 4,000 shelter beds total. Enough to sleep just one percent.

Apr 7, 2015 Jeff Wilser

More Asking, Less Telling

How you talk to your employees matters

Quality communication goes far beyond organizational structures, clear directives and efficient systems. Time and again, I’ve watched highly effective teams crumble due to a lack of effective dialogue. And that’s because the most successful way to engage and improve your company is not by talking. It’s by listening.

Apr 2, 2015 Tania Fowler