VW’s Penance for Cheating Takes Shape With California Wish List

California’s regulator that played a key role in busting Volkswagen AG for cheating on emissions tests laid out a detailed list of options for how the automaker will have to spend $800 million toward advancing cars that don’t pollute the air.

Dec 6, 2016 Dana Hull

Your Guide To 7 Workplace Dress Codes

No matter where you work or what you do, there’s always going to be a dress code. For people who work with their hands, that may mean steel-toed boots and protective eyewear, but for the average office worker, it’s less about safety and more about looking neat, organized and professional.

Dec 2, 2016 Robin Epley

Dilemma of the Month: Possible Gender Discrimination

I have been in my current job for about one year. I have been working in my industry for eight years and have an MBA. When I applied, the minimum experience was two years. I have more industry experience and more education. How am I not supposed to see this as gender discrimination?

Nov 30, 2016 Suzanne Lucas

Economics to Keep Wind and Solar Energy Thriving With Trump

On the plains of West Texas, new wind farms can be built for just $22 per megawatt-hour. In the Arizona and Nevada deserts, solar projects are less than $40 per megawatt-hour. Compare those figures with the U.S. average lifetime cost of $52 for natural gas plants and about $65 for coal.

Nov 29, 2016 Joe Ryan, Christopher Martin and Jim Polson

Impact of New Technologies Measured in Social Value

The technologies coming down the pipe now, though, are like nothing we’ve seen before. They’re coming all at once, and they’ll make the most recent digital age feel more like the Stone Age.

Nov 28, 2016 Jack Crawford