Young Professionals, aka millennials, Generation Y and the “Me Me Me Generation” (thanks, Time Magazine). By now, you’ve been inundated with data, stories and reports with the intention of guiding you through the abyss of working with us. You’ve been told we’re entitled. You’ve been told we’re disloyal, and maybe when you look at us, you see a walking, texting, instagramming and tweeting conundrum. So, how are you supposed to work with a group of people who seem impossible to lead? I promise, it’s not as hard as you’ve been led to believe.
Generation after generation, the older group views the youngsters as difficult, lazy, visionless and let’s not forget the biggie: entitled. It’s hard to believe now, but even the generation before you likely held these negative perspectives, and you knew then and know now — they were wrong. Recalling your days of yonder, you’ll realize that the YPs of today aren’t so different than you once were, and we’re not harder to lead than you were either.
Young professionals want to be leaders — but not because we’re entitled. Instead, our craving to lead is driven by wanting to make an impact at work and within our communities. So, how can you help?
Mentorship: Let us learn from you, encourage us to get engaged and lead by example.
Related: Event – Emerge Summit 2017

Rachel Zillner is the 2017 Metro EDGE Program Chair and the Assistant Vice-President – Community Banking at SAFE Credit Union. (photo courtesy of MetroEdge)
Metro EDGE, the region’s largest YP organization managed by the Sacramento Metro Chamber Foundation, will soon launch a formal mentoring program to help connect young up-and-coming leaders with mentors who can help guide their professional and community-focused path. With your help, Metro EDGE will further the opportunities for YPs in our region to learn, develop and grow.
After all, it’s in everyone’s best interest to see YPs as the future of our companies. Right now, we compose one-third of the workforce, and in the next 10 years, we’ll represent more than 75% of American workers.
Another way to help? Give YPs an inch to grow. If we take a mile, help us navigate the course. Encourage active engagement within the community. Share events, professional development opportunities or volunteering needs with your colleagues — they want to participate.
Next month, Metro EDGE will organize its biggest event of the year: the EMERGE Summit. EMERGE is the largest one-day gathering of young professionals in Northern California, and aims to motivate and encourage our young professional workforce to think big and dare to make a difference. Take advantage of the motivation this opportunity will provide to your employees. Their experience at EMERGE will come back to work with them and help propel all generations of leaders.
Metro EDGE and the programs, services and events we offer can supplement the guidance you provide to YPs. Encourage your young professional team to attend EMERGE, join EDGE and attend the networking and growth programs we provide. Look into the EDGE mentor program to see how you can help. Who knows? Millennials might even teach you a thing or two.
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Photos: Metro Edge Emerge Summit
The 2nd annual Emerge Summit brought more than 600 attendees together at the Crest Theatre to to empower, motivate and showcase young professionals.

MetroEdge Emerge Summit
More than 600 young professionals gathered at Memorial Auditorium on March 18 for the third annual MetroEDGE Emerge Summit. National in scope and local in focus, the summit is created for and by young professionals to inspire action in their cities, communities and careers.