Donna Lucas’ political acumen has made her one of the most respected public affairs strategists in the nation and one of the most influential people in California state government. Her time in the halls of power has included stints as a deputy chief of staff for Govs. George Deukmejian and Arnold Schwarzenegger, California press secretary for President George H.W. Bush and chief of staff for first lady Maria Shriver. Now the chief executive for Lucas Public Affairs, she advises candidates, unions, corporations and campaigns of all stripes. We sat down with her recently to discuss the Golden State’s political climate.
Comstock’s: Some observers call
you one of the state’s most powerful people and the political
“insider’s insider.” Is that an accurate assessment?
Lucas: Well, I like what I do. I’ve
spent 30 years working in politics. I grew up in politics. My
parents met in the state Capitol, so it’s something I’ve been
around. I hope the word powerful means for doing good things, not
for just being someone in the back room. I love all aspects of
California. I love the fact that I’ve worked up and down the
state and know California really well. So that’s a compliment.
Comstock’s: The Capitol has
been known for a long time as the “the old boys network.” But
these days, many of the Capitol’s power players are women,
including Susan â?¨Kennedy, Gov. Schwarzenegger’s chief of staff,
who many people consider to be the most important person in
California politics. Have things really changed?
Lucas: I think so. When I worked for
George Deukmejian, there was really one senior woman on the staff
and that was the scheduler. When I worked for Schwarzenegger in
the beginning of his administration, the majority of his senior
staff were women. So yes, I think it’s changed a lot. I think
it’s just part of what’s been going on with women in the
workplace in general.
Comstock’s: You were Maria
Shriver’s chief of staff. She gets mentioned a lot as someone who
would make a great candidate for governor, or perhaps senator. Is
there any chance she will ever run for office?
Lucas: Well, she’d be fabulous in
whatever she does. She’s the most inspiring, amazing person to
work for, and the type of person that will set a goal and make it
happen. She is a wonderful person with a great sense of humor and
all the things you need to be a public personality, but I think
right now she’s really focused on doing her issues, such as the
Women’s Nation.
Comstock’s: A lot of people
think California has become â?¨ungovernable. Is that
Lucas: Most people running for the job
of course would never say that. But it is tremendously difficult
with California’s fiscal realities. And it’s not just the
recession; it’s our whole budget process. Our fiscal
infrastructure is difficult, which makes it hard to do all the
other things people expect of government. For someone to do that
job, it takes strong leadership, someone who has the confidence
to be able to try things that are new and who can work with other
constituents. It’s also increasingly more challenging because of
the politics around being governor.
Comstock’s: In hindsight, did
the recall election make the state’s infamous hyperpartisanship
worse, or is that so long ago in political years that it doesn’t
Lucas: I think how the governor came to
office is what you’re seeing again here and in places like
Massachusetts. What happened in California with the recall is
that people have become much more independent. They’re not
Republican or Democrat. They’re Independent, and they’re mad. Who
can blame them at 12 percent unemployment? I think we need to put
some fundamental reforms in place, like an open primary or the
top-two challenge. When you talk about this, most people’s eyes
glaze over, but it’s ridiculous that we can’t vote for the top
two people we want to vote for. Term limits are another thing. I
really think term limits have been devastating. I certainly agree
with a lot of Californians who get frustrated and say, ‘Throw the
bums out,’ but in reality it is impossible to get elected and
come in already understanding the complexities of the office, of
making decisions on things like a $100 billion budget.
Comstock’s: You have advised
numerous initiative campaigns from a variety of spectrums. Many
observers complain now that the proposition process is out of
control and should be changed, or even done away with. What is
your perspective on that?
Lucas: The people of California
overwhelmingly support the initiative process, so the chances of
getting an initiative passed that would limit initiatives may be
very challenging. But has the process been abused? Absolutely.
Has it been used to go around the Legislature? Yes. Has it been
used for special interest groups and their agendas? Yeah. But
it’s also been used when people are frustrated about government’s
lack of ability to move things forward. It’s been used to go to
the people and ask for their approval for bond measures, which is
an appropriate use. But yes, right now something like 90 percent
of the state budget is locked up by constitutional amendments
that say how we spend money. I think it is a big problem. That’s
why reform groups want to fix this. But it’s not just about
raising taxes or cutting the budget here. There is so much more
to the picture than that. We need a two-year budget cycle. We
need a much better planning process. We need to have an ability
to say you can’t introduce a new program unless you have the
funding for it. We need to have a reserve. So it isn’t just
fixing the initiative process, it is fundamental reform.
Comstock’s: Do we need a
constitutional convention?
Lucas: A constitutional convention
sounds great, and people get excited about the right to
participate in their government. But I don’t know if the
convention is the right answer. First of all, you have to get
approval by the voters, which requires an initiative. Then you
have to decide who’s going to be at the convention. Who are the
delegates? What are they going to talk about? What is the scope
of what they’re going to do?
Comstock’s: Ronald Reagan used
to say the object of a negotiation is to get a deal done.
Everyone gives up something to reach an accord. It seems like
that mentality has been lost. Is it still realistic to expect
politicians, in the world of term limits, to have the political
courage to do the things that need to be done to
Lucas: I sure hope so. I love meeting
with people who want to run for office. The first thing I say is,
‘Why do you want to do this?’ Because if it’s about your ego,
forget about it. Your ego will be gone in the first month of
office when you get the editorials in your district. But there
are people who still fundamentally believe that they can come up
here and make a difference, and they are pragmatic. I think some
of those people are here now, and I think they will emerge as we
go on because, as hard as we are having it now, it’s going to get
worse. And that’s when leaders really rise to the front. I have
seen a change in the people around the Capitol who, years ago,
would have never agreed to a tax increase or cutting certain
programs. Now they’re saying, ‘If we don’t do something, it’s
going to be really bad.’ I think you see that a lot in the
business community where they know we need to make California a
stable place for our businesses, which means sitting down and
looking at budget reform.
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