The owners of About a Bite Bakery and Downtown & Vine are sharing space on K Street, across from the IMAX Theater. About a Bite Bakery creates bite-sized desserts, and the new Harvest Bar will offer “grab-and-go” breakfast and lunch items.
Jennifer Kaye (left), owner of About a Bite Bakery, talks with business partner Kate Chomko, owner of Downtown & Vine, about the build-out of their new space at 1200 K Street.
Change orders and permit delays cost about $75,000 and delayed the opening by six months for About a Bite Bakery and the Downtown & Vine Harvest Bar.
In mid-June, Jennifer Kaye supervised the installation of new cabinets for About a Bite Bakery, which is moving from Gold River to 1200 K Street.
Kate Chomko, owner of Downtown & Vine, plans to double space for special events, putting “Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other” of the double doors connecting her two spaces.
Stepphanie Nevin (left) and Jennifer Kaye, owner of About A Bite Bakery, wait on customers during a soft launch on Monday, July 13, 2015, at the new retail location at 1200 K Street in downtown Sacramento. About A Bite Bakery is sharing space with the new Downtown & Vine Harvest Bar.
Jennifer Kaye (left), owner of About A Bite Bakery, assembles a sample tray with the help of employees Marina Bilevich and Veronica Briscoe. The bakery held its “soft opening” on Monday, July 13, at its new retail location at 1200 K Street in downtown Sacramento.