A Captain’s Call
On board with Captain Jeff Hedlund
Captain Jeff Hedlund manages Brusco Tug & Barge’s Northern California operation in Stockton, where he started as a deckhand in 1973.

Strategy for Growth
Variety is the spice of life at Morningsun Herb Farm
While Rose Loveall oversees the plants at Morningsun Herb Farm, her husband Dan Sale handles maintenance and business operations. When the duo opened their nursery 20 years ago, they started with just one small greenhouse and two hoop houses. Since then, Sale has built another greenhouse and eight more hoop houses, in addition to the small gardens that dot the property.

Steel Power
Hot and heavy with the blacksmiths of East Sac's Fence World
Stephen Lyman, owner of Fence World, has been in the family fencing business since he was a boy (on payroll since the age of 10, he says). “This is one of the decorative arts that is just limitless — the things you can’t do in wood, you can do in iron,” Lyman says with pride. “You can’t build a bridge like the Golden Gate out of wood. It has to be steel.”

A Vantage for Vintage
Addison's Bicycle Reparium offers character, cool bikes
Two years ago Addison Quarles opened Addison’s Bicycle Reparium, where he says he’ll work on anything “new, old or esoteric.”

Counting Roe
The spawn of a salmon
Andy Heape has been a California Department of Fish and Wildlife technician at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery in Gold River — where he sorts, fertilizes and counts salmon — for 15 years.

Wandering Shepherd
Jeremy Shepherd and his always-on-the-go flock
Jeremy Shepherd has been tending to his growing flock since 2009. He sells mutton to local markets but also works his herds as mobile mowers with local farmers in Yolo County.

Bedside Manner
Teacher Nicole Castles brings education to patients at UC Davis Children's Hospital
Nicole Castles teaches UC Davis Children’s Hospital in Sacramento. Castles is the sole instructor for all school-aged children in the pediatrics ward, as well as school-age patients in other wings of the hospital. In a given week she’ll schedule bedside sessions with as many as 30 students.

Going Up
How one worker keeps operations at Tower Bridge golden
Bridge worker Scott Bennett has been tending to the iconic Sacramento structure for 12 years.

Strings that Sing
Waylin Carpenter crafts guitars that are built to last
Waylin Carpenter has been building custom, classical guitars in his home workshop in Sacramento since 2000. Carpenter makes 5-, 6- and 7-string guitars, and each can take 150 to 200 hours to complete. He is about to finish his 20th guitar.