And a letter from our president and publisher to open the February issue, plus the latest from the Evil HR Lady, Art Exposed and the “Comstock’s Talks” podcast.
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Leading With Energy
SMUD CEO and General Manager Paul Lau on reaching zero carbon emissions by 2030
Comstock’s spoke to Lau about leading the country’s sixth-largest community-owned electric utility and about his plan to reach zero carbon emissions within 10 years.
Is the Business Exodus to Texas Real?
Comstock’s president and publisher considers the apparent exodus from California to states such as Texas.
Dilemma of the Month: Switching Careers Doesn’t Mean Starting Over
Just because you are new to a field, don’t think you need to
start at the bottom.
Art Exposed: Octavio Valencia
A photographer talks about fashion, mental illness and a close encounter with Anna Wintour
Octavio Valencia has a secret identity. Or two.
Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Be Fair When Considering Outside Candidates
PODCAST: How can employers solicit outside candidates for open positions without offending employees?
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