Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Should a New Hire Be Allowed to Take a Trip?
PODCAST: Take a trip with the Evil HR Lady as she answers a question about a new hire who wants to go on vacation.

Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Were You Passed Over for a Promotion?
PODCAST: Didn’t land a promotion you think you deserved? Here’s what you can and should do.

Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Switching Careers Doesn’t Mean Starting Over
PODCAST: Is it ever too late to change careers?

Dilemma of the Month: Switching Careers Doesn’t Mean Starting Over
Just because you are new to a field, don’t think you need to
start at the bottom.

Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Be Fair When Considering Outside Candidates
PODCAST: How can employers solicit outside candidates for open positions without offending employees?

Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: New Systems Require Proper Training and Patience
PODCAST: How can employers help ease the transition into new software and systems?

Dilemma of the Month: Be Fair When Considering Outside Candidates
Hiring new people with new ideas and varied experience is always
a good idea. It’s also good to think about what the current staff
thinks and make sure they are happy.

Evil HR Lady on Comstock’s Talks: Easy Ways to Thank Employees in a Hard Year
PODCAST: How can employers offer year-end rewards to employees when there isn’t much cash to spare?

Dilemma of the Month: New Systems Require Proper Training and Patience
It’s not just about learning new functions and how to run reports
in the new system, it’s about change. Here are the areas of
concern and how to fix them.

Dilemma of the Month: Easy Ways to Thank Employees in a Hard Year
There are many ways to show employees how much you care about
them, even if you can’t shower them with gifts and bonuses.