Roseville 2017 is the Roseville Area Chamber of Commerce’s premier regional economic development trendshow and networking event for entrepreneurs, business owners and anyone interested in networking with people who are making a difference in our region and its economy.
Social media handles:
FB: Roseville 2017 IG:@Rosevillechamber
Event Hashtags:
#rsvl2017 #rsvltalks #rosevilleconnects #rosevilleshares #rosevilleinfluences #rosevillefomo #Connect #Share #Influence.
The day’s activities will center around the continued theme of: #Connect. #Share. #Influence.
Attendees and sponsors will have the opportunity to Connect and network during the trendshow around sponsor booths, exhibits and an afternoon reception.#Connect
Fellow business leaders and elected officials will Share news of emerging economic development trends in our region, as well as trends in technology, social media, and business development during topical, interactive mini-breakout sessions.#Share
Flexible and free-flowing activities will offer participants the chance to both Influence and to gain perspectives from business and elected officials who are shaping regional developments and our local economy. #Influence
The Roseville 2017 event is a valuable investment for executives, business development professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in networking with people who are making a difference in our region and its economy.
To register, click here.