In 2016, Critter Walks will be offered on the first two Sundays in March. If the predictions of El Nino are correct this winter, we could see heavy rains and a lot of water in the Mather Field vernal pools. It has been a long time since the pools filled to overflowing and stayed full for weeks on end. It could be a great year to visit Mather Field.
During the wet phase, the pools host many dozens of species of aquatic invertebrates. Half of them have not even been named! Watching and wondering about them draws us deeper into their ancient, mysterious world. Bigger critters who eat them come to the pools to dine: frogs, snakes, shore birds, wading birds, and more. If you want to meet them, along with their famous pool mates the Fairy Shrimp and Tadpole Shrimp, join us for a Critter Walk!
Thanks to the support of our donors and volunteers, vernal pool tours will be offered for FREE!
To register, click here.