Bring your coffee and join in on the conversation as David
Campbell speaks on Navigating Your Clients Through a Crisis
What: AAF Sacramento Ad Club presents the Virtual Speaker Series
ft. David Campbell, President, and COO of Chernoff Newman, a
full-service Advertising and PR firm. David will talk us through
navigating your clients through a crisis, join us for a
’screen-side’ chat and Q/A.
When: May 7th, 8am-8:45am PST
Where: Zoom Link: TBD
Who: David is the President and COO of Chernoff Newman, a
full-service Advertising and Public Relations Firm with offices
in the Carolinas and Florida. David has worked with local,
regional, and national clients on a variety of marketing and
communications issues, including crisis management. He has been
with Chernoff Newman for over 25 years and previous spent 10
years in Washington DC working in investor marketing including at
Fannie Mae and the FDIC. David has also served as the president
of AAF Midlands (SC), The AAF Governor of District 3, and is the
immediate past chair of the AAF Council of Governors. He also
serves on the board of the Ronald McDonald House.
Navigating Your Clients Through a Crisis ft. David Campbell
AAF Sacramento Ad Club