Bethany Crouch is a speaker, columnist, poet, philanthropist, moderator and on-air host. For 20 years, Bethany worked as a TV news broadcaster, reporter and producer for NBC, CBS, FOX and CW affiliates. Currently, she guest hosts on News 93.1 KFBK and serves as media liaison for various businesses and charities. As a philanthropist, Bethany has traveled the world with the service-based performing arts group Up with People. She’s also served on nonprofit boards, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars supporting the underserved youth as a part of her mission to help every individual know and believe they are enough.
Follow Bethany on Twitter at @BethanyCrouchTV and on Facebook at
By this person

In Transition: From Retail to Closets
Debbie O’Hearn’s long career in the fashion industry leads to a business editing clients’ wardrobes
This former clothing buyer for Weinstock’s department stores in Sacramento has repurposed her sense of style for more intimate use: one-on-one fashion consulting in clients’ closets.

In Transition: Crafting a New Career Around Family
Lance Everett is fulfilling his passion with his family-run custom furniture business Iron & Plank
Lance Everett’s career path shifted multiple times as the needs of his growing family shifted.

In Transition: Leaving a Career to Follow a Passion
Catherine la O’s Sacramento-based business blends yoga and body integration classes
Armed with airline miles and money, Catherine la O’ took a girlfriend to Costa Rica to relax — and soon realized she could not.

In Transition: From Hard Times to Healing
Mike Shaldone uses his own experience with alcoholism to help others
In 2003, Mike Shaldone was so broken down, he had to ask for help — admittedly, a practice not within his skill set, he says. He knew he needed to enter rehab to address his issues with alcoholism.

Comstock’s Talks: Record Spinners
PODCAST: Dimple Records has been a regional fixture for more than four decades. Comstock’s spent several weeks with the family behind the business to learn Dimple’s history: how it started, why they decided to walk away and what comes next.

In Transition: Same Message, New Audience
Rap star leaves the music industry to become an author and motivational speaker for students
Transparent the rapper had it all: the talent, the success, the dream life he’d worked toward from the time he was a little boy. But the man behind the rapper didn’t recognize the person he had become: He had lost sight of his real priorities.

In Transition: Joshua Hanosh Is a Different Kind of Teacher Now
Education aligned with the couple’s shared mission of making a difference in the world. But Joshua Hanosh says the workplace wore on him. And so he learned how to code in hopes of pursuing a different career.

In Transition: Maria Kang Leads an Empowerment Mission
Elk Grove woman stands her ground — and goes viral
The irony of Maria Kang’s international success is not lost on her: The same critics who helped her message go viral inadvertently opened the door for her to reach a global audience.

In Transition: How Embracing Change Changed My Life
Comstock’s introduces Bethany Crouch’s new column on professional transitions
“Space and distance from TV news has welcomed perspective and
clarity. I now see my unhappiness with work and life as a
reflection of my internal misalignment. As I yearned for
stability, I could not see the faultiness of my own personal
foundation; something no job, no partner, no achievement could
fix. This was soul work.”