Final Designs for Replacement I Street Bridge Revealed

Pedestrian paths and bike lanes are prioritized on the new bridge, which could cost between $188 million and $210 million upon completion

Back Web Only Oct 18, 2019 By Tom Couzens

The four designs for the I Street Bridge replacement over the Sacramento River have been narrowed to two — each with two versions. The final selection is expected to be announced early next year, with the opening scheduled for 2024.

Noel Shamble of San Francisco-based T.Y. Lin International Group, the project’s lead architect, detailed the “Thru” and “Spring” designs during a community event Thursday evening in Old Sacramento, with the current I Street Bridge as a backdrop. That bridge, more than 100 years old, will continue to be used by trains on the lower level; the upper level could be developed for pedestrian uses.

See more renderings of the concept replacement I Street Bridge on our Instagram page by clicking or tapping here.

Both concepts for the new bridge that will connect C Street in West Sacramento with Railyards Boulevard in Sacramento feature walkways and open space for pedestrians and dedicated bike lanes. The designs also feature center lifts rising from four columns. In the Thru version, pedestrians will travel through the columns; the Spring version pushes the columns out and focuses on the center center lift design. Both also will feature lighting and public spaces on both sides of the river.

The Thru version is expected to cost $188 million; the price tag for the Spring version is $210 million. Officials say $158 million has already been secured, and the project has applied for additional funding from a variety of local, state and federal sources.

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Brien (not verified)5 years ago

I was much more impressed with the Solar Arch design that was one of the four original concepts. These strike me as too similar in style to the Tower Bridge. If they have to go with one, the Spring option is the best, but the Solar Arch would have made the bridge an architectural destination (like Redding's Sundial Bridge) rather than just a means of transportation.

SMK (not verified)5 years ago

If you're going to include 4 large towers you should consider using parts of the interior of each tower for cafe's, art galleries and observation decks. Unused empty space is wasteful.

CTP (not verified)5 years ago

These designs belong in Dubai, not Sacramento; they're AWFUL. Something resembling the Golden Gate would be much more appropriate, and attractive.

GS (not verified)5 years ago

Yikes. Agree with previous commenters. Please do not choose a design with four hideous, awkward, and chunky posts -- or go back to the drawing board if the the Solar Arch isn't feasible!

Ron Mitchell (not verified)5 years ago

IMHO thjey dont fit in with the Anything on the River in the Old Sac Area. I think there to futuristic and ugly.

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