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Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Sacramento water agencies work together, adapting to drought and planning for a future of growth
While California is all-consumed with water wars, the Sacramento region’s efforts toward collaboration are easy to overlook. The best example is the landmark Water Forum Agreement, which 22 water agencies from Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer counties signed in 2000 to balance the environmental and human needs of the lower American River. Now, water agencies have joined together to launch the River Arc Project.

Conferences that Count
4 rules for ensuring people keep coming back
Look, no one has time for a bad conference. I personally attend many and miss even more. On most occasions, I’m coming off a busy day in the office during which I only accomplished about half of my to-do list, and I find myself watching with increasing anxiety as the number in that little red dot hovering angrily over my mail app climbs higher.

Sacramento’s Creative Class Needs Opportunities to Connect
CMND SHFT has become more than just an annual conference. It is also a tremendous amount of work that no one gets paid for. That said, we’ve found the benefits far outweigh the effort, and we’re well on our way to planning next year.

Buzzwords: Viral
Any video, meme, picture or internet-based media that becomes popular through the process of sharing, social media or email.
To understand the definition of going viral, let’s borrow a phrase from former U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Potter Stewart: You’ll know it when you see it

Dilemma of the Month: My Boss is Leaving the Company
My boss told me she is resigning. She has given a month’s notice, says she is leaving for a position that will help her grow professionally.Will my new boss be as transparent and flexible and interested in developing me professionally as my current boss? What will I do if we don’t work together well?

Is Your Business Locked into Narrow Thinking?
The space between the either/or continuum is full of unexplored option
Have you heard the riddle of a father and son who get in a horrible car crash that kills the dad? The son is rushed to the hospital and the surgeon exclaims, “I can’t operate, that boy is my son!” The listener’s expectation is challenged when the riddle’s answer is given: The surgeon might be the boy’s mother.

Giving Sacramento an Edge
Greater Sacramento Area Economic Council’s Dr. Chris Weare tasked with making the region more competitive
Every community wants a robust economy capable of competing with any other in the country. But how do you do that? That’s the question the Greater Sacramento Area Economic Council is trying to answer. We sat down with Dr. Chris Weare, the group’s director of research and strategy, to learn about its efforts to pump more life into the Capital Region’s economy.

Meat, Water and Global Warming
Despite environmental impacts of livestock, restaurants aren’t giving up their meat
According to some ecologists and experts on global agricultural trends, our eating habits must change dramatically if we are to overcome environmental issues facing the planet and its future generations.

Retooling Tradition
Stephanie Bray, CEO of United Way California Capital Region, brings a fresh focus to the long-standing charitable establishment
If recruiting and empowering millennials and gen-Xers challenged the status quo, there’s no telling what will happen in coming months as Bray’s bold new vision for United Way unfolds.

It Takes a Community
The new Destiny Community Center facility offers resources for single moms and their children
Open seven days a week, the community center includes multi-functional meeting and educational rooms, a fitness center, a fully-stocked teen center, a trellis café with indoor seating and oversized flat screen, a KidZone and more.

In The Blue
The cost of depression hits hard, but the good news — for staff and CEOs alike — is that businesses are getting proactive in their approach to it
While many of us are blissfully unaware of depression’s prominence in the workplace, those in HR, who are on the frontlines and can see the disease’s broader impact, have a more clear-eyed perspective.

In Whom We Trust
A new federal rule is about to shake up the business of retirement financial advice
For a sense of how fungible the label “financial adviser” has become, talk to Mike Chamberlain of Chamberlain Financial Planning & Wealth Management, which has an office in Sacramento. “’Financial services industry’ is a very broad term,” he says, “and I don’t like being included in it.

Infographic: Imagine a Capitol Mall Rain Garden
Sacramento artist Stephanie Taylor envisions what Capitol Mall would look like, and the benefits it would bring, as a rain garden.

Pressing On
While circulation dwindles, the Sacramento Bee pressroom grows.
Based on the enormity of this pressroom in Midtown, one wouldn’t think print newspapers are dying. The pressroom, a three-story labyrinth of rooms, stairwells and machinery, operates nearly 22 hours a day, printing five daily newspapers and six weekly publications.