Air Conditioning
Emissions standards target key industries
If there is one thing a business owner hates, it is uncertainty. Planning for the future — or even managing the present — cannot effectively happen unless the person signing the checks knows the rules of the game. But when it comes to California’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, uncertainty is about the only thing employers can count on right now.
A Slow Pace?
Some programs for green retrofits remain in limbo
There’s a lot of legal hubbub in California surrounding Property-Assessed Clean Energy programs. Also known as PACE, the programs could be headed for troubled waters.
Domestic Oil
Labor costs and foreign imports
Americans import 99 percent of the roughly 200,000 tons of olive oil consumed each year. It’s not that the foreign stuff is so much better — in fact a recent study suggests that it often isn’t.
Getting Warmer
Does California need its own climate change policy
In 2006 the Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger enacted the California Global Warming Solutions Act. The objective of the act was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in California to 1990 levels by 2020 and further reduce emissions by 80 percent of 1990 levels by 2050. The California Air Resources Board is charged with implementing the regulations.
Day on the Green
The political fate of climate-change legislation
For years, the debate over climate change centered almost exclusively on science: Is global warming occurring, and if so, are humans causing it? But with the economy still struggling, the argument has shifted to one of dollars and cents.
Troubled Waters
Will the state build or falter on the legislature's historic compromise?
It has been almost a year since California lawmakers reached an agreement on the most comprehensive overhaul of the state’s water management system in more than four decades.
Well Wishers
Deserted wells can harm heath and the environment
People, pets and drinking water could be better protected because of a new effort in Sacramento County to shutter abandoned wells.
Leave the Lights On
The California smart grid center looks to revamp access to power
Customers of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District and other power providers could soon realize the benefits of living on a smarter grid.
Turned On
Will the state's renewable energy goals spark more biomass projects?
Smaller landfills, fewer forest fires and more renewable energy — these are just a few perks California would get from increasing biomass energy, some experts say.
Creating an Emerald Valley
Sacramento is the greenest of the green
In his first year as Sacramento’s mayor, Kevin Johnson focused public attention on a series of initiatives targeting the arts, education, the economy and public safety, which aim to bring together experts and residents to develop action plans to move Sacramento forward in its development as a well-rounded city.