After much anticipation (and oh so many hours), the all-new has launched.
Led by our tireless digital editor, Allison Joy, we made some big changes to our layout and sitemap, launched a new blog and set out to develop the most comprehensive and user-friendly events calendar in the region. All of this is the product of deep thought and long discussions with the phenomenal development team at Digital Deployment, the members of whom have been grafted into the Comstock’s family (thanks for the snack bags!).
Since our last big revamp of the website in May of 2012, we’ve been laboring behind the scenes, monitoring what is and is not working and what’s missing. There are a finite number of minutes a reader will linger on a website, and we want each moment to be as useful, engaging and valuable as possible. And because a website is just one manner by which our words and graphics reach consumers, we’ve also kept a close eye on how stories from the site are shared and linked through social media and your inbox. The changes we’ve made reflect the fact that Comstock’s is being read in a variety of formats (check out the new site on your Smartphone or tablet — it’s pretty amazing) by a broader and more diverse audience than ever. We think that’s pretty good news for a business community that’s focused on positive future growth.
So here’s what you’ll find: Our new homepage, which will be updated regularly, is rich with photos because Comstock’s values great photography, and it’s important to us that our online readers have the same quality visual experience as our print consumers. We’ve also placed our readers’ beloved RSVP section front and center, providing a visually appetizing introduction to the month’s most interesting stories and events.
Our sitemap, too, has been updated to better serve the way you search. Under “The Playbook,” you will find the tips, tricks and tools needed to ensure your business succeeds. “State of the Sector” offers trends and topics broken down by industry, and “Out of the Office” showcases all our region has to offer during your down time. In addition, you can also now search for the type of read you’d like. Looking for an op-ed? That’s under “Commentary.” Our full-length features are “Longreads,” and for in-depth insight into the minds of local leaders and innovators, try searching “Q&A.”
We’ve also created new ways for you to engage with us and our contributors. Click their profiles to learn more about who they are, the work they’ve done and how to reach them. Some of our print columnists are familiar names; but many of our blog writers are newer voices, including web reporter John Blomster; Kelly Azvedo, business operations expert and founder of She’s Got Systems; and content marketing specialist Melissa Sorcic, who will tell you all of the things your business is doing right (and wrong) on the interwebs.
More than anything, we want you to enjoy engaging with us and one another through We’ve updated our commenting system so that you can share your experience at that new restaurant, add comments to help us tag your friends in our RSVP photos or offer personal insight into local business trends.
These changes have come as a result of paying close attention to how readers are using our magazine and website, so let us know what you think. Talk to us on Twitter and Facebook, post comments on our site, email us, call us or send a good old-fashioned letter. We’re listening.
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The Next 25 Years of Comstock’s
A new product for a new generation
More than any other, this issue might give many people the impression that Comstock’s is staffed by dozens of graphic artists, illustrators and web developers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Though, given the magnitude of the magazine’s redesign and the timeline under which we’re transforming, I can understand the misconception.
Winnie's first pub letter circa 1989
Welcome to the premiere issue of Sacramento’s newest publication, Comstock’s.
Looks great guys!
I LIKE it! I can breeze through the shorter version and get "just the facts" and delve further when I have time! Kudos