Melissa Sorcic is a writer and digital marketing professional.
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Content Marketing Starter Kit
3 basics that will make an impact
Sometimes the best way to stand out is to stick to the basics and nail them. Before cooking up an elaborate six-part blog post series complete with diagrams, infographics, and a really neat flowchart on how to choose the best frozen turkey for your teen driver, take a step back and resolve to start small. The following ideas will help get you started:
Cold Cash
3 marketing lessons we can learn from the ALS #IceBucketChallenge
Last summer, the ALS #IceBucketChallenge provided some of the coldest warm-fuzzies imaginable. If you’re part of nonprofit that relies on charitable giving watching these videos, you’ve probably started to pensively rub your chin, wondering if and how you could get something like this to work for you.
Why Doesn’t Anyone ‘Like’ Me?
4 things no one wants to see from your business on Facebook
If you have a business, you probably have a Facebook page. You may even have a handful of people who “like” you… some of them may go so far as to actually like you. Congrats, you are just getting started.