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Opportunity of a Lifetime
Fetal surgeons at UC Davis are repairing birth defects in babies — before their patients are even born
Too many pregnant mothers know the feeling of horror: The ultrasound reveals something wrong. Perhaps it’s nothing. But maybe it’s life-threatening, a disease or a disability. Maybe it’s the unthinkable. For hundreds of thousands of years, the unthinkable — babies doomed to die or develop impairments before drawing their first breath — meant only tragedy and heartache. Now there is hope.

Waterborne Disorder
In the event of flood, area hospitals are at risk
In the hours before Hurricane Sandy hit New York last year, the country’s oldest public hospital thought it was ready.

Convenient Care
How concierge medicine is changing the health care marketplace
Think of your best friend, a friend that knows all your ticks, hobbies and vices. Now imagine this friend happens to be a doctor, and she’s your doctor.