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When Good Girls Go Bald
The ugly reality of female pattern baldness
Kathy has a secret. Every morning she creeps out of bed before her husband wakes up, slips into the bathroom and meticulously conceals the balding spots on her head. “My husband doesn’t know what I’m up to,” she says, laughing.
Like roughly 30 million other women, Kathy suffers from female androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness.

Has the North Pole grown too complicated for Christmas?
The king stood over the toilet. The reluctant owner of that famous belly, that bowlful of jelly, lifted the overarching fold with two hands, exhaled, concentrated and waited for the stream to bolt from its alcove. No luck. Seconds passed, and a soreness grew in his knees.

Cash of the Titans
Credit unions and banks rumble over small-business lending
On a morning in April, eight representatives of local banks and credit unions walked into the Sacramento Metro Chamber headquarters to discuss the region’s lousy credit situation.

Blowing Bubbles
Could Dodd-Frank cause another financial disaster?
The past few years have seen the biggest social upheaval against the banking industry in this nation’s history, and Capitol Hill lawmakers responded with 848 pages of legislation that liberal critics deride as weak and many conservatives call a job killer.